Searching for Fjeldborg - Part III (27.04.2021)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Nattlandsfjellet (226m)
Endpoint Haukeland sykehus (51m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 3h 16min
Distance 8.7km
Vertical meters 401m
Ascents Landåsfjellet (428m) 27.04.2021
Landåsfjellet trigpunkt (427m) 27.04.2021
Ormhaugen (414m) 27.04.2021
Orrehaugane (415m) 27.04.2021
Visits of other PBEs Baunehytten (390m) 27.04.2021
Berlehytten (ruin) (378m) 27.04.2021
Bryterhytten (tuft) (399m) 27.04.2021
Jotneberg (401m) 27.04.2021
Jotneberg d.e. (tuft) (391m) 27.04.2021
Landåsfjellet utsiktspunkt (397m) 27.04.2021
Nordre Nattlandsfjellet p-plass (230m) 27.04.2021
Ravnegrind (228m) 27.04.2021

Searching for Fjeldborg - Part III

Another return to Landåsfjellet to continue my search for the ruins of Fjeldborg (see my two earlier attempts here and here), this time mainly focusing on the area south/southwest of Berlehytten. Fewer locations to inspect here, as the terrain is generally too steep to match the pictures in Bergensernes Fjellverden II, but no success this time either. In order to get something new out of the hike, I then headed for the suggested location of Jotneberg d.e. as Kjell51 (Kjell Øijorden) had indicated in his trip report a month earlier. The suggested spot was easily located, although I could not find any traces of the cabin itself, probably due to most of it having been reused when building the new Jotneberg close by. Before heading home, I also made a detour to the summit of Landåsfjellet before enjoying some excellent views across Nubbevatnet as the sun finally decided to appear. The hike was then concluded by crossing over Ormhaugen in the setting sun on my way down to Haukeland sykehus and the bus home.

Update: It later turned out that I had visited the location of Fjeldborg without realizing it as part of my initial search. See knutsverre (Knut S. Andersen)'s report from May 12th 2021.

The probable location of Jotneberg d.e.
The probable location of Jotneberg d.e.
The hill northeast of Landåsfjellet trig marker
The hill northeast of Landåsfjellet trig marker
Nubbevatnet with Jotneberg to the right
Nubbevatnet with Jotneberg to the right
Sunset from northwest of Perabu
Sunset from northwest of Perabu

Start date 27.04.2021 18:34
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 27.04.2021 21:50
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 3h 16min
Moving Time 2h 52min
Stopped Time 0h 23min
Overall Average 2.7km/h
Moving Average 3.0km/h
Distance 8.7km
Vertical meters 400m

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