The search for Fjeldborg at Landåsfjellet continues... (03.04.2021)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Tveitevannet (50m)
Endpoint Haukeland sykehus (51m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 3h 56min
Distance 11.9km
Vertical meters 604m
Ascents Landåsfjellet trigpunkt (427m) 03.04.2021
Orrehaugane (415m) 03.04.2021
Visits of other PBEs Baunehytten (390m) 03.04.2021
Bryterhytten (tuft) (399m) 03.04.2021
Fjellro (tuft) (387m) 03.04.2021
Fjelly (ruin), Landåsfjellet (325m) 03.04.2021
Haggardshaugen (233m) 03.04.2021
Helgely (264m) 03.04.2021
Klippen (tuft) (395m) 03.04.2021
Nordre Nattlandsfjellet p-plass (230m) 03.04.2021
Ravnegrind (228m) 03.04.2021
Sellehytten (ruin) (407m) 03.04.2021

The search for Fjeldborg at Landåsfjellet continues...

After failing to locate Fjeldborg two days earlier, I decided to have another go, if only to check a couple of areas I had not covered on my previous attempt. Today I mainly focused on the area southeast of Landåsfjellet, but sadly no luck there either. I'm starting to realize that this task is perhaps the hiking-equivalent of looking for a needle in a haystack...

Update: It later turned out that I had visited the location of Fjeldborg without realizing it as part of my initial search. See knutsverre (Knut S. Andersen)'s report from May 12th 2021.

Along the trail south of Landåsfjellet
Along the trail south of Landåsfjellet
Approaching the summit of Landåsfjellet from the southwest
Approaching the summit of Landåsfjellet from the southwest
Unknown man-made structure north of Stulihaugen (32V 300496 6696556)
Unknown man-made structure north of Stulihaugen (32V 300496 6696556)
The Bergen city center from Orrehaugane
The Bergen city center from Orrehaugane
Landås (and more) from Orrehaugane with Løvstakken to the left
Landås (and more) from Orrehaugane with Løvstakken to the left

Start date 03.04.2021 11:04
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 03.04.2021 15:01
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 3h 56min
Moving Time 3h 34min
Stopped Time 0h 21min
Overall Average 3.0km/h
Moving Average 3.3km/h
Distance 11.9km
Vertical meters 603m

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