Eggene, Godbotnsfjellet and Geiteskardfjell from E39 (22.08.2021)

Geschrieben von hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startpunkt Sognevegen (E39) (302m)
Endpunkt Sognevegen (E39) (298m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 6h 58min
Entfernung 16,5km
Höhenmeter 1.022m
Besteigungen Eggene (895m) 22.08.2021
Geiteskardfjell (893m) 22.08.2021
Godbotnsfjellet (887m) 22.08.2021

Eggene, Godbotnsfjellet and Geiteskardfjell from E39

Eggene from the trailhead
Eggene from the trailhead
The unmarked trailhead
The unmarked trailhead
Bridge south of Botnavatnet
Bridge south of Botnavatnet
Trail west of Botnvatnet
Trail west of Botnvatnet
Weak trail markers = weak trail? ;)
Weak trail markers = weak trail? ;)
Eggene from the south
Eggene from the south
Trail towards Eggene
Trail towards Eggene
Approaching Eggene
Approaching Eggene
Marked trail south of Eggene
Marked trail south of Eggene
The steep ascent of Eggene
The steep ascent of Eggene
Closeup of the steep ascent
Closeup of the steep ascent
Passed the steep section
Passed the steep section

After yesterday’s long hike at Voss, I had originally not planned on hiking this Sunday. But with excellent August weather forecasts this was not really an option. I therefore hopped on a bus to Dyrkolbotn for a hike to Eggene, Godbotnsfjellet and Geiteskardfjell. I had previously studied the reports from gapahuken (Torbjørn Rygg Haugland) and knutsverre (Knut S. Andersen) (see here and here) and decided to pretty much follow in their footsteps.

The only major difference being that I started from the main road and thus did not bother to head all the way to the northern parking lot at Dyrkolbotn, but instead had a go at the trail on the westside of Botnavatnet/Heimevatnet. A trail that was rather weak and currently well-hidden by the tall grasses. It was however (at least partially) marked and was still relatively easy to follow. (It would most likely have been just as fast to follow the alternative route on the eastside of the lake though.)

Just to the south of where the real ascent to Eggene starts, I connected with the marked trail from Dyrkolbotn heading to Olsbotnen. This trail seemed to be of better quality and even had newer trail markers. However, I quickly left this trail and headed towards the steep southern tip of Eggene. From a distance, this climb had looked very steep, and without the previous trip reports as a guide I would probably have thought twice about attempting this route. But upon closing inspection it was actually straightforward to ascend up the initial short steep section, with no climbing required. There was even a weak trail/track that could be followed. Within a couple of minutes the steep section was easily traversed and from there on it was straightforward to make progress towards the summit. The summit of Eggene provided excellent views and a great place for a late lunch break.

From Eggene I continued northeast in the direction of Godbotnsfjellet in terrain that presented no real challenges and the summit was reached without any difficulties at all, there were even a couple of cairns along the way. Godbotnsfjellet also provided excellent views and a good overview of the route towards my final goal of Geiteskardfjell. Here I deviated from the routes of gapahuken (Torbjørn Rygg Haugland) and knutsverre (Knut S. Andersen) by first descending east before ascending Geiteskardfjell via the ridge from the south.

Whether my route is better or worse I am not sure. Perhaps it is slightly longer and includes going both up and down the same ridge (when later descending south to the marked trail) instead of a roundtrip, but it was easy to navigate and had no difficult sections. Similar to the previous two peaks, Geiteskardfjell also provided excellent views, especially across the lakes/dams to the north.

After another short break I headed south to connect with the marked trail to Dyrkolbotn. There were many similar options here with only a limited number of steeper areas to avoid, which was easily done by paying attention to the GPS. In the end, the marked trail was reached without any difficulties, and the only thing remaining was to follow the trail, and later road, back to the main road for the bus home to Bergen. And even though I tried to not move to fast, I still had more than half an hour to wait before the bus showed up (not helped by it being more than ten minutes late as well).

To conclude, an excellent hike with great views along the way that can be highly recommended to anyone comfortable with (mainly) off-trail hiking. The terrain is overall pretty easy to both navigate and traverse though, and despite what the steep initial ascent to Eggene may indicate, there is no climbing or even scrambling required.

Following the ridge to Eggene
Following the ridge to Eggene
Looking back down at Botnavatnet/Heimevatnet from the ascent to Eggene
Looking back down at Botnavatnet/Heimevatnet from the ascent to Eggene
Approaching the summit of Eggene
Approaching the summit of Eggene
The summit of Eggene
The summit of Eggene
The summit of Eggene with Romarheimsfjorden to the right
The summit of Eggene with Romarheimsfjorden to the right
Northwest from Eggene with Brossviksåta in the far background
Northwest from Eggene with Brossviksåta in the far background
Blåfjellet from Eggene
Blåfjellet from Eggene
Towards Godbotnsfjellet and Geiteskardfjell from Eggene
Towards Godbotnsfjellet and Geiteskardfjell from Eggene
Approaching Godbotnsfjellet
Approaching Godbotnsfjellet
Approaching Godbotnsfjellet
Approaching Godbotnsfjellet
Øvstavatnet with Gleinefjellet in the background
Øvstavatnet with Gleinefjellet in the background
Approaching the summit of Godbotnsfjellet
Approaching the summit of Godbotnsfjellet
The summit of Godbotnsfjellet
The summit of Godbotnsfjellet
The summit of Godbotnsfjellet with Sørdalsnuten to the right
The summit of Godbotnsfjellet with Sørdalsnuten to the right
South from Godbotnsfjellet with Eggene to the right
South from Godbotnsfjellet with Eggene to the right
Geiteskardfjell from the descent from Godbotnsfjellet
Geiteskardfjell from the descent from Godbotnsfjellet
Descending towards Heimsta Geitaskarvatnet
Descending towards Heimsta Geitaskarvatnet
Approaching the summit of Geiteskardfjell
Approaching the summit of Geiteskardfjell
The cairn at Geiteskardfjell
The cairn at Geiteskardfjell
Geiteskardfjell with Dyrkolbotn to the right
Geiteskardfjell with Dyrkolbotn to the right
Geiteskardfjell with Eggene at the center and Godbotnsfjellet just to the left of the cairn
Geiteskardfjell with Eggene at the center and Godbotnsfjellet just to the left of the cairn
Geiteskardfjell with Godbotsvatnet to the left
Geiteskardfjell with Godbotsvatnet to the left
Almost back on the marked trail to Dyrkolbotn
Almost back on the marked trail to Dyrkolbotn

Startzeitpunkt 22.08.2021 13:48
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Endzeitpunkt 22.08.2021 20:47
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Gesamtzeit 6h 58min
Zeit in Bewegung 5h 42min
Pausenzeit 1h 16min
Gesamtschnitt 2,4km/h
Bewegungsschnitt 2,9km/h
Entfernung 16,5km
Höhenmeter 1.022m


Zeichen: 1000
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