Bekkarhalsen at Skøyteneset (25.06.2023)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Mefjordvær (25m)
Endpoint Mefjordvær (25m)
Characteristic Walk
Duration 4h 00min
Distance 7.3km
Vertical meters 314m
Ascents Knuten (110m) 25.06.2023
Visits of other PBEs Bekkarhalsen/Skøyteneset (80m) 25.06.2023
Looking out to Skøyteneset (behind Knutevika) from Halsen at Knuten
Looking out to Skøyteneset (behind Knutevika) from Halsen at Knuten
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

With no major mountain tops to see (due to low hanging clouds), we decided to make another excursion along the shoreline -- this time to Skøyteneset from Medfjordvær. We parked near Knuten in the north of Mefjordvær and walked up to Halsen, first. Then we included Knuten, which offers some nice views (even though it's not really high). We then also stepped down to the small lighthouse in the north of Knuten, before returning to Mefjordvær along the outer route around Knuten on its eastern side (probably the connection for those, who have to work at the lighthouse; or had to, previously). After this short Knuten intermezzo, we then headed out to Skøyteneset along the marked trail in the west of Knutevika, reading first about Russehula and then about Munken. Further out, the trail leads upwards to Bekkarhalsen at Skøyteneset. There, we enjoyed some very nice views and also a pleasant break! :-) To then get back, again, we followed the same trail as first out to Skøyteneset.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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