Gravdalsfjellet from Løvås (09.03.2024)

Skrevet av HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startsted Varden (45moh)
Sluttsted Varden (45moh)
Turtype Blandet sykling
Turlengde 3t 00min
Distanse 12,5km
Høydemeter 565m
Bestigninger Eikelifjellet i Bergen (258moh) 09.03.2024
Eikhaugen (207moh) 09.03.2024
Fyllingsnipa (286moh) 09.03.2024
Gravdalsfjellet (353moh) 09.03.2024
Lyngbønipa (275moh) 09.03.2024
Vest for Fyllingsnipa (286moh) 09.03.2024
Andre besøkte PBE'er Eikelisteinen (250moh) 09.03.2024
Småhytten (ruin) (200moh) 09.03.2024
Sælen kirke p-plass (15moh) 09.03.2024
Viggohytten (305moh) 09.03.2024
Enjoying a nice day on our ascent to Fyllingsnipa
Enjoying a nice day on our ascent to Fyllingsnipa
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We took our eBikes and cycled to Løvås, first. From the end of Løvåsveien, we then aimed at Eikhaugen as our first intermediate hiking goal. We stayed on the eastern side of the small valley (between Eikelia in the west and Eikhaugen in the east) and ascended to Eikhaugen via the small ridges south of it. From Eikhaugen, we then continued to Tøshaugen, a little bit further north, and from there to Fyllingsnipa, yet a short bit further north. The approach to Fyllingsnipa from the south is a bit steep, but not really a problem. From Fyllingsnipa, we then continued along a proper trail to Gravdalsfjellet, passing by Viggohytten on our way up. From Gravdalsfjellet, we then continued towards Lyngbø and down to the northwestern end of Nipetjørna. After crossing over the little dam that holds back Nipetjørna, at least in parts, we made a short detour to Lyngbønipa before starting our walk back via Eikelifjellet.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Web page provides useful information about Olsokfjellet, Gravdalsfjellet, and Damsgårdsfjellet and also Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Gravdalsfjellet.
On Bergentopp 200 there is a page (in Norwegian) about Gravdalsfjellet.


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