Gaddane and Hædna (19.11.2023)

Skrevet av hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startsted Vassendvegen p-plass (353moh)
Sluttsted Vassendvegen p-plass (353moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 2t 37min
Distanse 4,7km
Høydemeter 439m
Bestigninger Gaddane (653moh) 19.11.2023
Hædna (522moh) 19.11.2023
Andre besøkte PBE'er Vassendevegen (180moh) 19.11.2023
Vassendvegen p-plass (353moh) 19.11.2023

Gaddane and Hædna

Vikanuten from Tørvikbygd
Vikanuten from Tørvikbygd
Hardangerfjorden from Tørvikbygd
Hardangerfjorden from Tørvikbygd
Starting out from the parking lot
Starting out from the parking lot
Off-trail ascent to Gaddane
Off-trail ascent to Gaddane
Hædna from the ascent to Gaddane
Hædna from the ascent to Gaddane
Petter ascending Gaddane
Petter ascending Gaddane
Off-trail ascent to Gaddane
Off-trail ascent to Gaddane
Approaching the Gaddane summit
Approaching the Gaddane summit

Petter picked me up at my place at 07:00 and together we drove the roughly 1.5 hours to Tørvikbygd, arriving around 20 minutes before the ferry was to depart to Jondal. After a short and windy ferry ride we followed the road east to Espeland where we turned northeast towards Vassendvatnet. This road was a toll road and we paid the 60 kr via Vipps before continuing to a parking lot at around 350 meters above sea level. As this parking lot mainly seems to be used as a starting point for skiing trips in the winter, we had it all to ourselves.

We parked the car and briefly followed the road northeast before turning north and heading off-trail in the direction of the summit of Gaddane. There was a marked trail in the valley called Djupadalen between the two summits, however as following it would result in a bit of detour we instead opted for the more direct ascent. This turned out to be straightforward and it did not take long before we arrived at the summit.

The summit provided an excellent panoramic view, perhaps most notably an outstanding overview of Hardangerfjorden, but due to a strong and cold wind we did not stay long before turning southwest and descending into Djupadalen. This required some easy pathfinding but did present any real challenges.

In Djupadalen we passed by the remaining buildings at Klepp before heading to the nearby highest point of the pass where we began our ascent to the summit of Hædna. Our route included a very short section early on where some very easy scrambling was required (due to ice covering the most likely even easier route). After that it was simply a matter of aiming for the summit and walking more or less in a straight line.

Compared to Gaddane, the views at Hædna were a bit of disappointment, however there were some views towards Hardangerfjorden in between the trees. After a couple of pictures we completed the loop by returning to the parking lot. The terrain here was overall easy to traverse and did not present any issues.

To conclude, a nice short hike with the views from Gaddane being the clear highlight. By paying the Vassendvegen toll fee and making use of the parking lot at 350 meters above sea level, both summits can also be very easily ascended. Takk for turen, Petter!

Vikanuten from the ascent of Gaddane
Vikanuten from the ascent of Gaddane
The highest point at Gaddane
The highest point at Gaddane
Trig marker and small cairn at Gaddane with Samlen to the right
Trig marker and small cairn at Gaddane with Samlen to the right
Hardangerfjorden from Gaddane (with Norheimsund, Øystese and Fyksesund)
Hardangerfjorden from Gaddane (with Norheimsund, Øystese and Fyksesund)
Jonstein from Gaddane
Jonstein from Gaddane
Skoltane from Gaddane
Skoltane from Gaddane
Petter at the summit of Gaddane with Storafjellet and Grytingsfjellet in the background
Petter at the summit of Gaddane with Storafjellet and Grytingsfjellet in the background
Vikanuten from Gaddane
Vikanuten from Gaddane
The highest point at Gaddane
The highest point at Gaddane
Descending into Djupadalen with Hædna in the background
Descending into Djupadalen with Hædna in the background
One of the still standing buildings at Klepp in Djupadalen
One of the still standing buildings at Klepp in Djupadalen
Approaching the highest point in Djupadalen
Approaching the highest point in Djupadalen
Looking back at our descent from Gaddane
Looking back at our descent from Gaddane
The highest point at Hædna
The highest point at Hædna
The limited views towards Hardangerfjorden from Hædna
The limited views towards Hardangerfjorden from Hædna
The highest point at Hædna
The highest point at Hædna
The highest point at Hædna from the south
The highest point at Hædna from the south
Vassendvegen from a vantage point south of the summit of Hædna
Vassendvegen from a vantage point south of the summit of Hædna
Looking back at Gaddane from the first part of the descent from Hædna
Looking back at Gaddane from the first part of the descent from Hædna
The easy off-trail descent from Hædna
The easy off-trail descent from Hædna

Starttidspunkt 19.11.2023 09:35
Sluttidspunkt 19.11.2023 12:12
Totaltid 2t 37min
Bevegelsestid 2t 16min
Pausetid 0t 21min
Snittfart totalt 1,8km/t
Snittfart bevegelsestid 2,0km/t
Distanse 4,7km
Høydemeter 438m


Tilgjengelige tegn: 1000
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