Hopsfjellet and Staupefjellet (23.12.2022)

Skrevet av hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startsted Tittelsnesvegen v/Flåtene (46moh)
Sluttsted Tittelsnesvegen v/Flåtene (47moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 2t 02min
Distanse 5,5km
Høydemeter 384m
Bestigninger Hopsfjellet (333moh) 23.12.2022
Staupefjellet (342moh) 23.12.2022
Andre besøkte PBE'er Hopsfjellet parkering (43moh) 23.12.2022

Hopsfjellet and Staupefjellet

Sunrise on the ferry at Halhjem
Sunrise on the ferry at Halhjem
Approaching the trailhead
Approaching the trailhead
The sign at the trailhead
The sign at the trailhead
The sign at the trailhead
The sign at the trailhead
Small parking lot at the trailhead
Small parking lot at the trailhead
The marked trail
The marked trail
Trail marker in need of a repaint
Trail marker in need of a repaint
West/northwest from the ascent
West/northwest from the ascent

The first day of my extended Christmas holiday was spent travelling to Sveio to ascend Hopsfjellet and Staupefjellet. This included first taking the express bus (and ferry) to Heiane. Here I left the express bus and after waiting around 20 minutes continued south on a local bus. This allowed me to get off at a stop closer to the trailhead and thus greatly reduce the walking distance along the main road (especially as there is no sidewalk).

Initially, I had planned to get off at the stop called Hope, but at the last minute figured out that Flåtene would be even closer. The result was a less than 250 meters walk along the main road before reaching the marked trailhead and the small parking lot. As expected, there was no sidewalk, but thankfully there was plenty of space next to the road and for the final half there was even a railing between me and the cars.

The trail was marked with blue paint and generally easy to follow, although a repaint would not have hurt. Plenty of wet areas along the way, but overall more icy than wet today. Most of the ice could however easily be avoided and I shortly reached the summit of Hopsfjellet without any real challenges. Excellent views from the summit, I however did not stay long before continuing towards the main goal of the day, namely Staupefjellet.

It should be noted that until very recently Staupefjellet was incorrectly named Hopsfjellet NV (here on PB). However, these are clearly two separate peaks and the name Staupefjellet is also indicated on the map. Getting from Hopsfjellet to Staupefjellet was relatively straightforward and at the start there were even a couple of red trail markers to show the way. But whether these indicate a route all the way to the summit I do not know, as I soon lost them and simply found my own way. Once again, excellent views from the summit with two cairns where the southwestern one was located at the highest point.

After a short break at the summit, I returned more or less the same way, even finding a couple more of the red trail markers before reconnecting with the trail used for the ascent. Taking it relatively slow, both due to the icy conditions and not wanting to be too early at the bus stop, I completed the hike about 10 minutes before the return bus to Bergen showed up (or rather to Leirvik, where I once more switched to the express bus).

In summary, an excellent short hike with great views that can be very highly recommended.

Stauplefjellet from just below the summit of Hopsfjellet
Stauplefjellet from just below the summit of Hopsfjellet
The cairn at Hopsfjellet
The cairn at Hopsfjellet
West from Hopsfjellet
West from Hopsfjellet
Towards Siggjo from Hopsfjellet
Towards Siggjo from Hopsfjellet
Northeast from Hopsfjellet with Borgundnuten to the left
Northeast from Hopsfjellet with Borgundnuten to the left
Approaching Staupefjellet
Approaching Staupefjellet
Red trail makers in the valley between Hopsfjellet and Staupefjellet
Red trail makers in the valley between Hopsfjellet and Staupefjellet
The head of a large turtle showing the way? :)
The head of a large turtle showing the way? :)
The summit of Staupefjellet
The summit of Staupefjellet
Northeast towards Borgundnuten from Staupefjellet
Northeast towards Borgundnuten from Staupefjellet
Towards Siggjo from Staupefjellet
Towards Siggjo from Staupefjellet
The summit cairn at Staupefjellet with Hopsfjellet in the background
The summit cairn at Staupefjellet with Hopsfjellet in the background
The northeastern cairn at Staupefjellet
The northeastern cairn at Staupefjellet
Towards Siggjo from the descent
Towards Siggjo from the descent
Information about Hopsfjellet naturreservat
Information about Hopsfjellet naturreservat
The final walk along the main road back to the bus stop
The final walk along the main road back to the bus stop

Starttidspunkt 23.12.2022 12:17
Sluttidspunkt 23.12.2022 14:19
Totaltid 2t 02min
Bevegelsestid 1t 49min
Pausetid 0t 12min
Snittfart totalt 2,7km/t
Snittfart bevegelsestid 3,0km/t
Distanse 5,5km
Høydemeter 384m


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