Vardegga from Fossåskaret (11.09.2021)

Skrevet av hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startsted Fossåskaret (17moh)
Sluttsted Fossåskaret (17moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 1t 07min
Distanse 4,4km
Høydemeter 362m
Bestigninger Vardegga (357moh) 11.09.2021

Vardegga from Fossåskaret

Tractor road from Fossåskaret
Tractor road from Fossåskaret
Start of the marked trail
Start of the marked trail
Approaching the summit
Approaching the summit

After our trip to Kyrkjehovda, me and Fjellsamleren (Endre Myrdal Olsen) drove to Fossåskaret where we passed through a gate and found parking on a small open area next to two stacks of firewood. There was even an information sign for hikers from which the trail was marked all the way to the summit of Vardegga. We started southeast, first on a steep tractor road before later leaving the road behind and continuing on a trail marked with red paint.

The summit was therefore reached without any issues, except for the pouring rain making it increasingly difficult to take pictures (hence the blurry picture of Endre at the summit). On the other hand, there was not much reason to take pictures anyway as the most likely excellent views were today well-hidden behind a thick layer of fog. We therefore did not stay long before retracing our steps back to the car, only making a quick stop to explore a small cave right next to the road above Fossåskaret.

Overall, this is probably a very nice short hike in better weather, with most likely excellent views from the summit. I cannot comment much on the latter though…

Blurry picture of Endre at the summit of Vardegga
Blurry picture of Endre at the summit of Vardegga
Today's rather limited views from Vardegga...
Today's rather limited views from Vardegga...
Following the marked trail on the descent
Following the marked trail on the descent
Looking out from the small cave next to the road above Fossåskaret
Looking out from the small cave next to the road above Fossåskaret

Starttidspunkt 11.09.2021 12:11
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Sluttidspunkt 11.09.2021 13:18
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Totaltid 1t 07min
Bevegelsestid 1t 05min
Pausetid 0t 1min
Snittfart totalt 3,9km/t
Snittfart bevegelsestid 4,0km/t
Distanse 4,4km
Høydemeter 361m


Tilgjengelige tegn: 1000
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