Store Kvænangstind - skrekk og gru! (09.08.2019)  5

Skrevet av Skippy (Innika De Rosa)

Startsted Meiland (4moh)
Sluttsted Store Kvænangstind (1178moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 9t 08min
Distanse 21,7km
Høydemeter 1521m
Bestigninger Store Kvænangstind (1178moh) 09.08.2019
Kvænangstindan NV1 (1122moh) 09.08.2019

We had arranged the day before to get a boat ride in to Meiland with a local, so we met him at Klubbeneshamn at 9am. The first challenge of the day was getting around the locked gate on the jetty, and with the sun shining we began walking around 9.30am, following a tractor path up from the few cabins. Soon the path turned into a great, well trodden trail through the forrest for around 45minutes until we came to Storvatnet. Along the way we met a local who was picking cloudberries and asked where we were going. He laughed and said nothing but 'Ha - Skrekk og gru!'. Once we reached the lake we stopped and discussed the weather, as it looked like the full sun and 15 degrees that Yr had forecast wasn’t going to be right. It was heavily overcast and around 8 degrees. Otto messaged Martin, who works at Yr, to get a personal weather forecast…and it looked like the rest of the day would be spent in clouds. We then started to go off-trail and followed the left hand side of Storvatnet for another hour until we ended up getting sights on Store Kvænangstindan.

First sights on Kvænangstindane
First sights on Kvænangstindane
Otto in climbing mode already
Otto in climbing mode already
Heading in the valley
Heading in the valley
Heading in the valley
Heading in the valley
Once we reached the lake
Once we reached the lake
Hyggelig med personlig væremelding!
Hyggelig med personlig væremelding!
Discussing how we will proceed
Discussing how we will proceed

From here we discussed the best path to the top (which we thought was the left top of the two) and decided to follow the greener patches with the most vegetation up the steep mountain side. The terrain here was surprisingly fine to walk in and following in some reindeer tracks, we came to the pass at 1000m wondering where all the infamous loose rock was….after walking up to ‘Kvænangstinden NV1’ at 1112moh, we realised that this wasn’t the top we needed to be on, and that Store Kvænangstind 1178moh was right across from us. We took some time to consider our options here – either we would walk all the way back down the ridge to around 600moh and gain elevation again through the rocky gully directly to the left of the top, or we would try find an entry into the gully from somewhere near the 1000m point at the pass of the NV top. Paal volunteered to go first and see if it was possible…to which he decided that this was our best option. It started snowing while we watched Paal slide his way down the gully and start scrambling up the other side. Otto and I followed slowly after, making our way down the gully on really loose rocks and crossing over to the other side of the gully where we could start gaining elevation again. The rock quality was shockingly bad, and quite a few of the hand holds literally just broke away…not ideal given how unstable the rocks under our feet were. After some scrambling, we came to a point where I got stuck as I couldn’t reach the two rocks I could use as hand holds to pull myself up. Here Otto headed on and Paal had to come down and help find an alternative route. The one we chose was definitely easier scrambling but which snaked to the very left of the mountain and was really exposed. At one point he said ‘Don’t look down’ to which of course I did and saw 1000m of mountain side disappear straight beneath my feet into the fjord…the scrambling was fun despite the terrible rock quality, and after around 150m of vertical scrambling the top flattened out. Decided I was really glad mum couldn't see me today.... We had a small food break and some paal did some droning before Otto headed back down, and us soon after.

The top to the left is where we ended up first, and you see the real top we should have ended up on on the right
The top to the left is where we ended up first, and you see the real top we should have ended up on on the right
Looking back as we started gaining elevation
Looking back as we started gaining elevation
'Final ridge' seen from the 1000m pass
'Final ridge' seen from the 1000m pass
Oh wait, we are meant to be there! haha
Oh wait, we are meant to be there! haha
Jeg spandere en pils på alle sammen som klarer å finne Paal i dette bildet...
Jeg spandere en pils på alle sammen som klarer å finne Paal i dette bildet...
Now time for Otto & I to try
Now time for Otto & I to try
Looking back up the loose stone gully
Looking back up the loose stone gully
Some of the more challenging scrambling
Some of the more challenging scrambling
'just put your right leg up here...'
'just put your right leg up here...'
'then just put your left leg up'
'then just put your left leg up'
Pretty views from the top!
Pretty views from the top!
Clouds coming in on the way down
Clouds coming in on the way down
Heading back down the ridge
Heading back down the ridge
Snakk om flaks altså..
Snakk om flaks altså..

I had begun to get a really sore stomach by this point and paal mentioned it might be nerves, then I realised I was pretty anxious about going down. Not something that has ever bothered me before! The scrambling down was exposed and I was feeling pretty mentally tired by this point, but it went better than expected and heading up the loose stone gully certainly went a lot faster than heading down it. Once we came back up to the pass before the gully we ate some more and then started the long trip back. Quite soon after we headed down the ridge, thick clouds came in and covered up the peaks we just came down from. Snakk om flaks!

Back towards the valley
Back towards the valley
Looking back as we head down towards the boat
Looking back as we head down towards the boat
4 seasons in one day!
4 seasons in one day!

As we were heading down, we heard a huge rumble on the opposite side of the valley and saw a pile of smoke coming out one of the gullies. A huge rock fall was happening and it lasted around 1 minute. Could just as well have been in the gully we just came out of. From here it was smooth sailing, though once we were finished with most of the elevation, we walked back by the side of the river instead of further up in the valley. It felt wonderful for both the brain and the feet to walk on the excellent path once we reached the big lake and we were all looking forward to dinner and wine back at the hotel :) The waves on the ocean had really picked up and the boat trip back took a looooonggggg time. What a day - tusen takk for turen otto (Otto Lund) og uglefisk (Paal Andre Lund)!


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    Store Kvænangstinden

    Skrevet av BjørnF 10.08.2019 08:06

    Jeg synes du Innika beskriver bedre enn Otto hvor skummelt dette var. Du har så til de grader flyttet grenser at nå er ingen ting umulig for deg. Jeg er så imponert over deg. Gratulerer med en topp ikke så veldig mange har vært på. Du skylder meg en pils, det første jeg så på bildet var faktisk Paal og det før jeg leste teksten :-)

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      Sv: Store Kvænangstinden

      Skrevet av Skippy 10.08.2019 09:43

      Tusen takk Bjørn! For noen hyggelige ord :) da har du veldig god syn, du får en øl av meg neste gang vi møtes!

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    Tittel mangler

    Skrevet av uglefisk 10.08.2019 01:34

    du er en rå maskin :D

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      Skrevet av Skippy 10.08.2019 09:57

      Tusen takk!

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