Blåskredtinden (06.08.2019)  4

Skrevet av Skippy (Innika De Rosa)

Startsted Løvdal (10moh)
Sluttsted Blåskredtinden (785moh)
Turtype Alpin klatring
Turlengde 6t 23min
Distanse 11,4km
Høydemeter 1019m
Bestigninger Blåskredtinden (785moh) 06.08.2019

Another day of blue skies! Met Trond Olav in Tromsø and drove out to Løvdal together. From here we parked the car and followed a small trail into the right hand side of Løvdalelva. The small trodden path follows the valley in along the lake on quite a long approach and eventually comes up to a pass around 300moh where you get great views of Blåskredtinden. From here the trail disappears and we lost around 100moh as we headed down towards the small lake. After a small, loose boulder field we started gaining elevation steeply through heavy, vegetated terrain and ended up pushing our way steeply through bushes until the terrain got more rocky. We followed a stone gully to the right before heading over to where we would start our one ropelength of climbing. Great quality rock and a nice pitch. After a lunch break, we started the slow journey back down the steep slope and in the valley. Takk for turen Trond Olav og Paal :) Flottere bilder kan sees hos uglefisk (Paal Andre Lund) :)

Heading in the valley, Blåskredtinden visible in the background
Heading in the valley, Blåskredtinden visible in the background
Heading in the valley, Blåskredtinden visible in the background
Heading in the valley, Blåskredtinden visible in the background
From the pass
From the pass
Up we go
Up we go
Up we go
Up we go
Have I ever mentioned how much I love bush bashing...?
Have I ever mentioned how much I love bush bashing...?
Getting closer
Getting closer
Trond Olav getting closer to the top
Trond Olav getting closer to the top
Paal heading up
Paal heading up
Views towards Skamtinden from the standplass
Views towards Skamtinden from the standplass
Siste biten
Siste biten
Paal er godt fornøyd
Paal er godt fornøyd
Paal på vei ned
Paal på vei ned
Takk for i dag!
Takk for i dag!


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