Summiting Storhornet on Godøy Island twice in a day. (20.06.2015)  5

Skrevet av Solan (Atle Solholm) GSM

Startsted Alnes (5moh)
Sluttsted Alnes (5moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 5t 48min
Distanse 17,6km
Høydemeter 1287m
Bestigninger Storhornet (497moh) 20.06.2015
Sloktinden (441moh) 20.06.2015 11:20
Storhornet nordøst (477moh) 20.06.2015 11:20
A nice day with fabulous weather, the only thing that bothered me on this day was the seagulls that tended to attack me, probably to defend their offspring. On the southeast side of the mountain, I followed the new "mountain-foot road" ["Fjellfotveien"] as long as it was possible to follow [i.e. to where it was not yet constructed].
A nice day with fabulous weather, the only thing that bothered me on this day was the seagulls that tended to attack me, probably to defend their offspring. On the southeast side of the mountain, I followed the new "mountain-foot road" ["Fjellfotveien"] as long as it was possible to follow [i.e. to where it was not yet constructed].

I had another nice hiking trip on the mountain of Godøy island this day. I started out from Alnes, and climbed up to the lake Alnesvatnet; then circumscribed the lake taking a track that I haven't used earlier. I had previously walked along the shore of the lake, and also over the mountain called Lesten, but this time I chose an in-between path about midway between the lake and the summit of Lesten, before ascending the final climb to the peak Storehornet, 497 meters above sea level. From Storehornet I went down the mountain ridge Valkvæegga to Valkvæ, and then westwards to Djuv on the south side of the mountain along a road under construction called Fjellfotveien (i.e. The Mountain Foot Road). From Djuv I then climbed up to Storehornet a second time on this day, before finding my way down to Alnes again where I had my car parked.


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