A larger round trip of the mountains of the Island Godøy. (09.05.2015)

Skrevet av Solan (Atle Solholm) GSM

Startsted Alnes (5moh)
Sluttsted Alnes (5moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 3t 55min
Distanse 12,9km
Høydemeter 803m
Bestigninger Storhornet (497moh) 09.05.2015
Lesten (398moh) 09.05.2015 13:26
Vestre Lesten (366moh) 09.05.2015 13:26
Sloktinden (441moh) 09.05.2015 13:26
Sloktinden vest (437moh) 09.05.2015 13:26
Storhornet nordøst (477moh) 09.05.2015 13:26
Some of the scenery from this trip on the island of Godøy. The upper central image I captured on a flight from Ålesund to Bergen at about the same time, whereas the lower central image is a Google Earth image with my Endomondo tracking superimposed upon the image.
Some of the scenery from this trip on the island of Godøy. The upper central image I captured on a flight from Ålesund to Bergen at about the same time, whereas the lower central image is a Google Earth image with my Endomondo tracking superimposed upon the image.

On this day we had extremely nice weather in the area, and so I had another really nice trip on the mountain of the island Godøy. I first climbed the rather steep climb from the headland/ness called Alnes up to Lake Alnesvatnet, located on a platau about 250 meters above mean sea level. Then a not-so-steep walk to the peak of mount Lesten (altitude 357 meters), from there almost down to the other end of Alnesvatnet, and directly onto a very steep climb up to the peak of Storehornet (497 meters), next onto the peak of Sloktinden (436 meters), and then all the way down to sea level again along the mountain ridge called Valkvæegga. I finally walked the old Alnes road back to Alnes where I had my car parked.

A little cabin belonging to Ålesund Hunters and Sport Fishermen Association. It's located not far from Lake Alnesvatnet.
A little cabin belonging to Ålesund Hunters and Sport Fishermen Association. It's located not far from Lake Alnesvatnet.


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