Besshøe med avstikker over Besseggen (25.08.2018)

Skrevet av JanIflisa

Startsted Bessheim (949moh)
Sluttsted Bessheim (959moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 11t 37min
Distanse 26,8km
Høydemeter 1899m
Bestigninger Besshøe (2258moh) 25.08.2018
Veslfjellet (1743moh) 25.08.2018
Andre besøkte PBE'er Besseggen (1500moh) 25.08.2018
Besseggen klyveparti (1500moh) 25.08.2018
Besseggen utsikt 25.08.2018
Bessheim Fjellstue og Hytter (960moh) 25.08.2018
Bessheim-Veslfjellet forbindelsesstrekk 25.08.2018
Besshøe fra Bessosen 25.08.2018
Utsiktspunkt Besshøe (2258moh) 25.08.2018

Thomas, Pål and I stayed at Bessheim, and woke up to sunny weather. We had heavy snow across Valdresflya the night before and could see that there was snow on the surrounding mountain tops the morning after.

After breakfast, we started the climb along Bessa and short after, we arrived at Bessvatnet. Besshøe was in sight! We met snow long before the Besshøbrean glacier. We also had heavy fog and snowy weather, but when we reached the summit, we were above the clouds. Some places around the summit, the snow reached my thigh. Luckily, many people took the hike this Saturday, so it was easy to walk the path up and down from the summit.

When we returned to Bessvatnet, we fired up Thomas' Primus stove and had some lunch. Then we followed the shores to Besseggen and took the hike across Veslfjellet to Bessa. Then it was all downhill to Bessheim where a wonderful dinner was waiting.

Starttidspunkt 25.08.2018 08:33
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Sluttidspunkt 25.08.2018 20:10
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Totaltid 11t 37min
Bevegelsestid 9t 24min
Pausetid 2t 13min
Snittfart totalt 2,3km/t
Snittfart bevegelsestid 2,9km/t
Distanse 26,8km
Høydemeter 1898m


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