Skardsveten (03.05.2018)

Skrevet av hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startsted Skare (134moh)
Sluttsted Skare (137moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 0t 47min
Distanse 1,6km
Høydemeter 120m
Bestigninger Skardsveten (249moh) 03.05.2018
Andre besøkte PBE'er Skardsveten p-lomme (120moh) 03.05.2018


We parked at the small parking lot (room for 2-3 cars, unless filled with heaps of gravel as it was today) and followed the marked route to the summit. Started out in dense forest with the occasional viewpoint, but opened up more towards the end. Nice views from the summit area. It was a bit windy, so we did not stay long before returning to the car via the same route.

Small parking lot filled with heaps of gravel
Small parking lot filled with heaps of gravel
Marked trailhead
Marked trailhead
Dense forest at the start of the trail
Dense forest at the start of the trail
With some viewpoints along the way
With some viewpoints along the way
Before being back inside the dense forest
Before being back inside the dense forest
Northeast from the summit
Northeast from the summit
West from the summit
West from the summit
South from the summit
South from the summit
The summit area
The summit area
West from the summit
West from the summit

Starttidspunkt 03.05.2018 17:50
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Sluttidspunkt 03.05.2018 18:37
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Totaltid 0t 47min
Bevegelsestid 0t 40min
Pausetid 0t 6min
Snittfart totalt 2,1km/t
Snittfart bevegelsestid 2,4km/t
Distanse 1,6km
Høydemeter 119m


Tilgjengelige tegn: 1000
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