Hjartåsfjellet (the extended version...) (15.07.2017)

Skrevet av hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startsted Hjertås (30moh)
Sluttsted Flatøy (14moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 3t 42min
Distanse 15,8km
Høydemeter 635m
Bestigninger Hjartåsfjellet (174moh) 15.07.2017
Ramusfjellet (167moh) 15.07.2017

Hjartåsfjellet (the extended version...)

Parking lot at the trailhead
Parking lot at the trailhead
Start of the trail
Start of the trail
Trail towards Ramusfjellet
Trail towards Ramusfjellet
Trail at Ramusfjellet
Trail at Ramusfjellet
Looking back at the trail head
Looking back at the trail head
The cairn at Ramusfjellet
The cairn at Ramusfjellet
View from Ramusfjellet
View from Ramusfjellet
View towards Brakstadfjellet
View towards Brakstadfjellet
The summit of Hjartåsfjellet
The summit of Hjartåsfjellet
View from Hjartåsfjellet
View from Hjartåsfjellet
View from Hjartåsfjellet
View from Hjartåsfjellet
View from Hjartåsfjellet
View from Hjartåsfjellet
The summit of Hjartåsfjellet
The summit of Hjartåsfjellet
The mailbox at Hjartåsfjellet
The mailbox at Hjartåsfjellet
Crossroads south of Hjartåsfjellet
Crossroads south of Hjartåsfjellet
View towards Bergen
View towards Bergen

The trail head

Started by taking the bus to Hjartås (bus stop "Frank Mohn Hjertås") and walking up to the car park on the east side of the factory building. The trail started at the northern end of the parking lot, with the first part being a gravel road. When the gravel road ended I located the start of the trail without much difficulty. The trail did include some wet areas, but various strategically placed wooden objects made sure that one could easily make progress without getting wet.


I then followed the marked trail north until reaching an intersection at the western base of Ramusfjellet. Here I initially started right (east), but while there was a trail, I quickly figured out that it would not take me up to Ramusfjellet. I therefore turned back and tried left (west) instead, and after only a few meters the trail again turned east, taking me up along the ridge along a very nice trail. The summit of Ramusfjellet provided very nice views towards the southwest. Definitely worth a visit.


From Ramusfjellet I continued east along the ridge, where the trail turned south in the direction of Hjartåsfjellet. There was only a small valley in between the two summits and I quickly found myself at the highest point at Hjartåsfjellet. The views were more limited compared to Ramusfjellet, but with better views towards the south, where one could even see the Bergen city center.

The plan now was to head south back down to the main road, so I followed the trail in this direction. After a short while I came across the visitor register for marking my visit to Hjartåsfjellet. From this location there were absolutely no views though. Shortly thereafter I arrived at a crossroads with various trail options (see picture). I decided to go left (east) towards Holme.

Closed trail...

However, upon almost reaching Holme, I came across a locked gate with a sign saying that the trail was closed (see picture). I decided to see if I could head south to connect with the main road that way, but I could not find and good options. At this point it of course also started raining. After a while I gave up and climbed north through the relatively dense spruce forrest to reconnect with trail I had left half an hour earlier, only to retrace my steps back west until locating an alternative route south.

I took the first option I came across, and finally managed to find my way down to the main road. Although parts of this "trail" consisted of crossing a field where the only indication of the trail was that someone had walked there before me and left their marks in the tall grass.

From Hjartås to Flatøy

Upon reaching the main road at Hjartås, it became clear that my extra detour had completely messed up my timing with regards to buses, and my only real option was now to walk all the way to Flatøy for the bus back to Bergen (or wait for 40 minutes...). Walking along the main road was not really an option though, as there were no sidewalks and high-speed traffic. I therefore instead headed north along Melandsvegen to Tveit, before turning east and later south to Sakstad, before passing Frekhaug and finally arriving at Flatøy. In total, this resulted in 10 km of walking along the road in the rain.


This hike cannot be easily summarized, as it started out quite nice but then had a twist that changed everything. The first part of the hike can be highly recommended, as long as one finds a better way to get back to the main road (probably by continuing directly south at the crossroads where I took left (east) towards Holme). Either taking the bus from there, or by coming by car and then heading back to the parking lot, would make for a nice short hike. The long walk all the way to Flatøy cannot really be recommended though, although it is probably much nicer in better weather.

Closed trail...
Closed trail...
Weak trail down to Hjartås
Weak trail down to Hjartås

Starttidspunkt 15.07.2017 17:34
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Sluttidspunkt 15.07.2017 21:17
(UTC+01:00 ST)
Totaltid 3t 42min
Bevegelsestid 3t 31min
Pausetid 0t 11min
Snittfart totalt 4,3km/t
Snittfart bevegelsestid 4,5km/t
Distanse 15,8km
Høydemeter 635m


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