Point on Villingili Island - 2moh

Navn Point on Villingili Island
Søkenavn Villingili Island Point on
Høyde 2 meter
Region Maldivene
Foreldreregion Asia
Primærfaktor 2 meter
Fadder admin (Administrator)
Siste endring 09.03.2016
Vanskelighetsgrad Ikke vurdert
Koordinater 43M 299161 9924958 (UTM)
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Registrer en bestigning av Point on Villingili Island.

Et medlem har registrert en bestigning av Point on Villingili Island.

Point on Villingili Island inngår i en liste.

elevation extremes: lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m
highest point: 8th tee, golf course, Villingi Island 5 m
(CIA World Factbook)

But according to the Shangri-la Villingili Resort&Spa, Mount Villingili has had its height confirmed as 5.1 metres, more than double the height of its rival, confirming it as the islands' highest spot.
That would put the Maldives mightiest peak 10 centimetres higher than that of Tuvalu, which is registered at just five metres.
To mark its new "discovery", the resort is now putting on a daily Mount Villingili tour, awarding all guests who successfully complete the arduous ascent a certificate.

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