Onen from Austdalen (12.05.2024)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Austdalen p-plass (763m)
Endpoint Austdalen p-plass (763m)
Characteristic Backcountry skiing
Duration 7h 39min
Distance 20.7km
Vertical meters 1,089m
Ascents Onen (1,621m) 12.05.2024
Visits of other PBEs Austdalen p-plass (763m) 12.05.2024

Onen from Austdalen

Austdalen from the parking lot
Austdalen from the parking lot
Austdalen p-plass
Austdalen p-plass
The road from the parking lot
The road from the parking lot
The road to Austdølvatnet
The road to Austdølvatnet

For the second Sunday in a row I caught an early train to Voss to going skiing with Voss Utferdslag. This time our goal was Onen in Ulvik/Eidfjord. At 08:00 we were transported by bus from Voss to Osa and then up to Austdalen p-plass at around 760 meters above the sea level. During the summer it is possible to drive much further but today we could put on the skies only a couple hundred meters after leaving the parking lot.

We followed the road to Austdølvatnet before taking a shortcut up to Langvatnet. When walking along the dam we briefly had to take of the skis a couple of times but we after a lunch break next to the lake we could put the skis back on and begin the final ascent to the summit. The summit was reached without any issues and provided an excellent panoramic view. After a short break next to the summit cairn we returned the same way, including another extended break next to Langvatnet.

In summary, a very nice skiing trip that can be highly recommended.

Shortcut to Langvatnet
Shortcut to Langvatnet
Looking back down at Osa with Vassfjøra to the right
Looking back down at Osa with Vassfjøra to the right
The dam along Langvatnet
The dam along Langvatnet
Starting the ascent from Langvatnet
Starting the ascent from Langvatnet
Approaching the summit plateau
Approaching the summit plateau
The summit cairn in the distance
The summit cairn in the distance
The summit cairn at Onen with Vassfjøra in the background
The summit cairn at Onen with Vassfjøra in the background
The cairn at Onen with Hardangerjøkulen in the background
The cairn at Onen with Hardangerjøkulen in the background
Hårteigen from Onen
Hårteigen from Onen
Storeflåtten from Onen
Storeflåtten from Onen
West/southwest from Onen
West/southwest from Onen
Northwest from Onen with Vassfjøra to the right
Northwest from Onen with Vassfjøra to the right
Northeast from Onen
Northeast from Onen
Hardangerjøkulen from Onen
Hardangerjøkulen from Onen
Austdølnuten from the descent
Austdølnuten from the descent

Start date 12.05.2024 09:42
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 12.05.2024 17:22
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 7h 39min
Moving Time 4h 20min
Stopped Time 3h 18min
Overall Average 2.7km/h
Moving Average 4.8km/h
Distance 20.7km
Vertical meters 1,089m

User comments

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    Amazing, ...

    Written by HHauser 14.05.2024 13:14

    ... and thanks for sharing! Wow!

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      Re: Amazing, ...

      Written by hbar 15.05.2024 23:11

      Thanks Helwig! And I did not mention it in the report, but the drive up to the parking lot from Osa is also an experience in itself!

      • +

        Re: Re: Amazing, ...

        Written by HHauser 16.05.2024 08:47
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