To Ternneset in quite some snow (31.01.2021)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Kausland (35m)
Endpunkt Kausland (35m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 3h 00min
Entfernung 7,8km
Höhenmeter 225m
Besteigungen Keipen (60m) 31.01.2021
Enjoying a winter hike at Ternneset in quite some snow
Enjoying a winter hike at Ternneset in quite some snow
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

With all the snow around, we aimed at another nice hike out in Øygarden. Expecting that we may end up in not 100% nice weather, we decided to walk out to Ternneset from Kausland. Driving west from Bergen, we turned left (southwards) on Sotra, passing by Fjell soon after and continuing further southwards. After passing Hammarsland, we turned right (in western direction) at Eide. At Vestrepollen, we turn left, again, into the direction of Glesvær. At Kausland, we turned right (onto Liagarden) and parked at the end of the road. From there, we then started our hike in westward direction. Passing by Koldalshaugmyra in its north, we headed further westwards to get through Lauvvatnet (in the north) and Goltatjørna (in the south). North of Hølshaugen, we then crossed to connect to a trail that leads further westwards (into the direction of Lynghaugen). We then walked out this trail, passing by Litlehaugen (and Lynghaugen). West of Lynghaugen, we descended into this "crack" that runs kind of perpendicularly across the peninsula (and also across Golta, on the other side, where it is called Jonsvikadalen). Back up on the heights further out towards the west, we continued until we arrived at Ternneset. In quite some intense snow weather, we did not really see all-too-much from this cliff, which otherwise offers very nice views out and over the North Atlantic. Instead of staying there for any mentionable time, we rather quickly continued our hike. Instead of going back at once, we first checked the rather steep descent from the upper heights of Ternneset in its north, but decided that descending there, with all the snow and ice in place, was a little too risky. Thus, we then turned back and started our hike back. After crossing "the crack" once again (and ascending something like halfway up to Lynghaugen thereafter), we deviated from the trail that we had taken there first, and followed a slightliy more northern route back, including Kneipen on the way back. With the exception of this little variation, we otherwise "just" walked back to where we had started, enjoying quite a bit of snow along the way! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Web page from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends another hike to Ternneset.


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