Knappen (off trail) (01.01.2021)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Varden (45m)
Endpunkt Varden (45m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 1h 30min
Entfernung 4,0km
Höhenmeter 188m
Besteigungen Eldtona (128m) 01.01.2021
Knappen (135m) 01.01.2021
Looking from the southeastern flank of Knappen across Knappatjørna towards Lyderhorn.
Looking from the southeastern flank of Knappen across Knappatjørna towards Lyderhorn.
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

A good way to start a new year, is to do (at least) a small hike in the neighborhood! :-) We started from Varden, walking towards Knappen on the other side of Bjørgeveien. Going Marineveien down, we decided to explore "the other side" right away (without first walking along Bjørgeveien). Even though we did that without any trail, it still was reasonably easy and within a short while we arrived at the top of Sandeidbrotet (this "short-cut" is OK for an exploration, but will not become our new standard route to Knappen, though). From Sandeidbrotet we continued up another short hillside to Vassteigen, where we (for a moment) connected with one of the trails to Knappen. Instead of following this trail, however, we again diverted into "the wild", ascending more or less directly in western direction (also this stretch is well possible, but only moderately entertaining). Once on the ridge, we started following it until we came to Eldtona. From there to Knappen we again chose "an alternative route", as much as maybe 40 meters from the trail! :-) After crossing Knappen, we descended towards the east (southeast), again without any trail. About half way down, we turned a bit more left in order to follow a little ridge that extends downwards to the southern end of Knappatjørna. The last meters of this descent are then in a relatively dense forest (it's still possible to find a passage through it without any difficulties). Once at Knappatjørna, we rounded it in its southeast and then returned to Varden via Vassteigen.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Knappen.


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