Rispingen on a beautiful day! (27.10.2018)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Båtaleitet parking (350m)
Endpunkt Båtaleitet parking (350m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 3h 30min
Entfernung 11,2km
Höhenmeter 523m
Besteigungen Raudskredbruna (722m) 27.10.2018
Rispingen (742m) 27.10.2018
Besuche anderer PBE Båtaleitet p-plass (350m) 27.10.2018
Raudskredvarden (686m) 27.10.2018
On our way up to Rispingen
On our way up to Rispingen
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We took the car from Bergen to Osterøy (via the bridge east of Arna) and continued then further to Bruvik along Sørfjorden, before we eventually drove up northwards (between Brøknipa and Olsnesnipa) through Bjørndalen until we parked at the large parking spot at Båtaleitet (about 350mosl). From there, we hiked along the path which leads up to Skarvenipa via Flærne (on the west of Øvstebotnen). We then continued (still on the path) towards Rispingen, coming close to Raudskredbruna. Instead of continuing on the path (directly to Rispingen), we circled Raudskredtjørna on its northeast and ascended the short stretch to Raudskredbruna, enjoying some nice views from up there. From there, we decided to head back to the path (instead of descending further down towards Stemmetjørna) and soon after, we arrived at the top of Rispingen. After looking around from Rispingen, we started our way back. To get some views to Veafjorden and beyond, we descended from Rispingen a little east of the path. After a short stretch, we noticed a nice cairn a bit further down, promising some nice views and indeed we could enjoy some very nice views over the fjord from there. We then continued in southwestern direction, avoiding some steeper terrain while circling Steindalsnakken. Once around Raudskredbruna on its eastern side, we continued towards Raudskredvarden, expecting more nice views from there. After looking down to Stanghelle on the other side of the fjord several times, we decided to head back to our car. From Raudskredvarden onwards, we then hiked along the path, bringing us down to Båtaleitet soon. All in all, we exploited a perfect hiking day (with sun and slightly frozen ground) for this hike to Rispingen. Nice! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Rispingen and also web page WestCoastPeaks.com provides useful information about Rispingen, Raudskredbruni, and Olsnesnipa.
Web page UT.no from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends a similar hike.


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