Sauafjellet (16.12.2017)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Fjæreide (20m)
Endpunkt Fjæreide (20m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 2h 00min
Entfernung 4,5km
Höhenmeter 202m
Besteigungen Saufjellet (134m) 16.12.2017
Great views from Sauafjellet near Fjæreide on Sotra
Great views from Sauafjellet near Fjæreide on Sotra
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We took the car to Sotra and there to Fjæreide (near Knappskog). We parked near the place where seemingly also the bus turns around (more or less in the middle between Fjæreidpollen in the NE and Fjæreidvatnet in the SW). We then walked first for a few meters down the road which leads down to the water (Fjæreidpollen/Smalneset), before then turning left (following a sign from Kyststien). Within short we were in the snow and soon after we departed from the path towards Spjeldsfjellet (our plan was to get up Sauafjellet first). After quickly ascending to Fagrevollen, we connected to a ridge, which leads up to Sauafjellet in western direction. At Sauafjellet, we enjoyed some great views towards the Atlantic! We then decided to head towards Spjeldsfjellet, even though it was clear that this would be an attempt without any path. Only shortly after leaving Sauafjellet, we crossed a little forest (even though small, it's still kind of special, since most of the landscape out there on Sotra does not have trees at all). We continued in northeastern direction (more or less towards Spjeldsfjellet) until we needed to cross some water (near Krokvatnet). After trying a little here and there, we finally found a passage. On the other side, we ascended to Vakenhaugen. Soon after, we decided that time was progressing too fast (winter days are short in Norway!) and that we would turn back to our car instead of hiking all the way to Spjeldsfjellet. We thus changed direction and connected to Moldbrekkene and from there back to Fjæreide.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Web page from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends another hike over Sauafjellet.


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