Australia day at Fagerfjellet (26.01.2019)  4

Startpunkt Ramsfjordskole
Endpunkt Ramsfjordskole
Besteigungen Fagerfjellet (957m) 26.01.2019

With heavy winds forecast on the coast, we decided to head inland. My second ever ski trip had been to fagerfjellet last year but we got clouded in at the top, so I was looking forward to seeing the view. I was not looking forward to navigating the forrest on the way down.

The last trip we had driven around 1km after ramsfjordskole and parked on the road, but this time we parked at ramsfjordskole and chose a different path up. The trees were tighter which made me pretty nervous about going down.

The powder was great in the trees but as soon as we got above the treeline it had turned to cement with a really thick crust. One of the girls i was with had lost 2 screws for her splitboard, so we decided to turn a few hundred meters after the treeline.

Challenging skiing on the way down for me, crashed into a few trees and lost one ski in a lot of pow, resulting in two friends helping me dig it out with shovels. A fun Australia day none the less!

Gjengen på tur opp
Gjengen på tur opp
Mandatory Aussie flag :)
Mandatory Aussie flag :)
Mandatory Aussie flag :)
Mandatory Aussie flag :)
Still haven't got the hang of this tree thing...
Still haven't got the hang of this tree thing...
Tromsdalstinden i sola :)
Tromsdalstinden i sola :)


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    Kein Titel

    Geschrieben von uglefisk 30.01.2019 17:01

    hipp hurra :D

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