Påskåsen (20.05.2024)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Fjelbergøy kai (1m)
Endpoint Fjelbergøy kai (1m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 2h 01min
Distance 5.0km
Vertical meters 234m
Ascents Påskåsen (182m) 20.05.2024
Visits of other PBEs Fjelbergøy kai (1m) 20.05.2024


Fjelbergøy kai
Fjelbergøy kai
The start of the tractor road
The start of the tractor road
A slow worm (stålorm)
A slow worm (stålorm)
The first part of the tractor road
The first part of the tractor road
Later section of the tractor road
Later section of the tractor road

The last day of a long weekend was spent visiting Påskåsen. I started by taking the boat from Strandkaiterminalen in Bergen to Leirvik. Here there was another boat waiting for the final leg to Fjelbergøy. I was the only passenger disembarking, roughly two hours after leaving Bergen. By following the road north I soon arrived at a tractor road that took me up to the unmarked trailhead. (PB indicates a parking lot at the end of this road, but there is only room for one car and I do not think the area is really meant for parking.)

Thanks to previous trip reports I here left the tractor road and continued on an unmarked trail heading south/southwest. The trail later turned towards the summit and could be easily followed all the way to the highest point. Limited views from the top, except for an opening to the northeast towards Halsnøya and Sunde, where Toftåsen, Kaldestadåsen and Vikefjell, among others, could be located. Hovlandsnuten was also visible in the distance.

Despite trying to take it slow, and a lunch break at the summit, I still had 1.5 hours left before the boat back to Bergen. After returning to the main road I therefore made a short detour to Breidvika, before returning to Fjelbergøy kai, but still had 40 minutes to spare. The boat was eight minutes late. Just long enough to start wondering if I would have to spend the night on the island (next boat at 05:39). The trip was then concluded by an almost three-hour boat ride to Bergen (due to a longer route with more stops).

To conclude, Påskåsen can be ascended without any issues, however, it clearly cannot compete with its bigger brother Borgundnuten just across the fjord.

The unmarked trailhead
The unmarked trailhead
The unmarked trail
The unmarked trail
The trail closer to the summit
The trail closer to the summit
The summit of Påskåsen
The summit of Påskåsen
Sign at the summit
Sign at the summit
Towards Halsnøya from the summit
Towards Halsnøya from the summit
Sundnessåta from the tractor road
Sundnessåta from the tractor road
Breidviken with Toftåsen in the background
Breidviken with Toftåsen in the background
Returning to Fjelbergøy kai
Returning to Fjelbergøy kai
Borgundnuten from Fjelbergøy kai
Borgundnuten from Fjelbergøy kai

Start date 20.05.2024 14:50
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 20.05.2024 16:51
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 2h 01min
Moving Time 1h 21min
Stopped Time 0h 40min
Overall Average 2.5km/h
Moving Average 3.7km/h
Distance 5.0km
Vertical meters 233m

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