"Strafferunde" towards Hardangerjøkulen... (17.05.2024)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Finse stasjon (1,222m)
Endpoint Finse stasjon (1,222m)
Characteristic Backcountry skiing
Duration 2h 28min
Distance 10.2km
Vertical meters 317m
Visits of other PBEs Appelsinhytta (1,353m) 17.05.2024
Finse stasjon (1,222m) 17.05.2024
Finsehytta (1,223m) 17.05.2024

"Strafferunde" towards Hardangerjøkulen...

Starting out from Finse. Again...
Starting out from Finse. Again...
That looks like my climbing skin..?
That looks like my climbing skin..?
It is my climbing skin!
It is my climbing skin!
Descending towards Finse
Descending towards Finse
Approaching Finsehytta
Approaching Finsehytta
Back at the train station at Finse
Back at the train station at Finse

Upon returning to Finse after completing Jøkulrunden I now had two choices: forget about the lost climbing skin and simply take the train back to Bergen or make a second ascent towards Hardangerjøkulen in an attempt to locate the skin and take the next train instead.

After a short break I decided on the latter and started my "strafferunde" across Finsevatnet. During my ascent to Appelsinhytta I asked several of the skiers coming the other way if they had seen a single orange climbing skin during their descent but none had.

Just below Appelsinhytta I spotted something in the distance that looked promising, however it turned out to be a small stuffed animal (more on than later), and my search had to continue. But not long after Appelsinhytta, shortly before the marked route takes a sharp left turn, I again spotted something in the distance hanging from one of the wooden route markers, and as I got closer it was clearly my missing climbing skin!

With the climbing skin located I could finally end the "strafferunde" and as a bonus got a very nice descent back to Finsevatnet where I could also reunite the stuffed animal with its owner (thanks to it being labeled with a phone number). And with still plenty of time left for the train this extra trip has to be called a success!

Start date 17.05.2024 15:31
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 17.05.2024 17:59
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 2h 28min
Moving Time 1h 50min
Stopped Time 0h 37min
Overall Average 4.1km/h
Moving Average 5.5km/h
Distance 10.2km
Vertical meters 317m

User comments

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    Ut på fellejakt

    Written by Fjellsamleren 21.05.2024 10:14

    Ja, sånn går det når du renner nedover med feller ;)

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      Re: Ut på fellejakt

      Written by hbar 21.05.2024 10:25

      Hehe. Skjønner hva du sikter til, men dette var da vitterlig på vei oppover. Tror det rett og slett ble for våt snø for fellelimen. Det ironiske er at strafferunden var uten feller og likevel hadde jeg mer enn godt nok feste...

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        Sv: Re: Ut på fellejakt

        Written by Fjellsamleren 21.05.2024 10:30
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          Re: Sv: Re: Ut på fellejakt

          Written by hbar 21.05.2024 11:02
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