Duesundfjellet from Duesund Brannstasjon (10.02.2024)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Duesund Brannstasjon (49m)
Endpoint Duesund Brannstasjon (49m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 0h 52min
Distance 1.8km
Vertical meters 198m
Ascents Duesundfjellet (247m) 10.02.2024

Duesundfjellet from Duesund Brannstasjon

Duesundfjellet from the ferry
Duesundfjellet from the ferry
Parking at Duesund Brannstasjon
Parking at Duesund Brannstasjon
The marked trailhead
The marked trailhead
The marked trailhead
The marked trailhead
The trail to Duesundfjellet
The trail to Duesundfjellet
Trail marker
Trail marker

Initially, Endre and I were going skiing this weekend, but due to worsening weather forecasts we decided to abandon those plans and instead leave the skis at home and head to the northwestern part of Masfjorden. This was an area that neither of us had visited before and hence there should be lots of relatively easy peaks to ascend. I had made a rough plan the evening before that included up to seven peaks, depending on how long each of them would take.

We started by driving to Masfjordnes where we arrived almost half an hour before the ferry to Duesund. After a short drive on the other side of the fjord, we parked next to Duesund Brannstasjon and easily located the stone steps marking the start of the trail to Duesundfjellet.

The trail was overall easy to follow, and there was even the occasional trail marker, however due to the snow we still lost the trail a couple of times before reaching the summit. A vantage point just south of the summit provided excellent views and there was even a bit of unexpected sunshine.

After visiting both the trig marker and a slightly higher point just east of it, we descended the same way and drove northwest to Torsvik to ascend Bufjellet. In summary, a nice short hike with excellent views that can very much be recommended.

Vantage point south of the summit
Vantage point south of the summit
View south from Duesundfjellet
View south from Duesundfjellet
Antenna and trig marker at Duesundfjellet
Antenna and trig marker at Duesundfjellet
The highest point at Duesundfjellet
The highest point at Duesundfjellet
Endre at the highest point
Endre at the highest point
Looking back at Masfjordnes from the descent
Looking back at Masfjordnes from the descent
Nørland and Anvika from the descent with Ådneburen to the right
Nørland and Anvika from the descent with Ådneburen to the right
The final steep descent to the road
The final steep descent to the road

Start date 10.02.2024 10:16
End date 10.02.2024 11:08
Total Time 0h 52min
Moving Time 0h 45min
Stopped Time 0h 6min
Overall Average 2.0km/h
Moving Average 2.3km/h
Distance 1.8km
Vertical meters 198m

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