Eikelisteinen on Eikelifjellet (25.11.2023)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Varden (45m)
Endpoint Varden (45m)
Characteristic Bike trip - mixed
Duration 3h 00min
Distance 8.5km
Vertical meters 365m
Ascents Eikelifjellet i Bergen (258m) 25.11.2023
Visits of other PBEs Eikelisteinen (250m) 25.11.2023
Spelhaugen p-plass (60m) 25.11.2023
Sælen kirke p-plass (15m) 25.11.2023
Looking back down onto Spelhaugen from a steep hill in the north of it.
Looking back down onto Spelhaugen from a steep hill in the north of it.
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.
Height profile with indication of inclination (black: very steep, red: steep) as well as height meters up (blue markers).
Height profile with indication of inclination (black: very steep, red: steep) as well as height meters up (blue markers).

Trip Summary

We started on our eBikes, first riding north into Fyllingsdalen, and then to Spelhaugen. At the northern end of Spelhaugen, we left our bikes behind, and continued on foot. Instead of following the main route (up the gravel road, into the direction of Tennebekk), we turned right "at once" (into the direction of Lurane in the northeast of Spelhaugen). Even there, we decided that we were up to choosing a quite steep route up (without a trail). Quite soon, we had made some height meters and, turning around, we could enjoy some nice views across Spelhaugen. Once on the heights, we traversed over to the southern end of Eikelia. Instead of following the more usual route (first northwards on the western side of Eikelifjellet's western cliff), we went around the wet area in the south of Eikelia, ascending further upwards to Eikelifjellet from the southeast (via Eikelia and the southward, long ridge of Eikelifjellet, high above its western cliff). After making it "all the way" up to Eikelifjellet and Eikelisteinen, we then found a minor trail down into the valley in the east of Eikelifjellet. We then walked southwards during this valley. Before getting "all the way" down (to Løvåsveien), we started a traverse (into the direction of Lurane). Eventually, it did not require much to cross "back over" to Spelhaugen; this time, however, using the minor trail that leads down from the saddle in the west of Lurane. Once back down at Spelhaugen, picked up our bikes, again, to complete our short excursion.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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