Biking detour in Fyllingsdalen (16.09.2023)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Varden (45m)
Endpunkt Varden (45m)
Tourcharakter Fahrradtour
Tourlänge 1h 00min
Entfernung 12,1km
Höhenmeter 325m
Besteigungen Skulehaugen (58m) 16.09.2023
Besuche anderer PBE Bøneshallen p-plass (110m) 16.09.2023
Fyllingsdalstunnelen - Oasensiden (34m) 16.09.2023
Sælen kirke p-plass (15m) 16.09.2023
The "long way to the shop" / biking a short round in Fyllingsdalen
The "long way to the shop" / biking a short round in Fyllingsdalen
Height profile with indication of inclination (black: very steep, red: steep) as well as height meters up (blue markers).
Height profile with indication of inclination (black: very steep, red: steep) as well as height meters up (blue markers).
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

While en route to a local supermarket for some shopping, I decided to bike a little detour. First, I surrounded Sælevatnet in its south. I then took the steep way up to Bønes/Fjellsdalen. I then cycled around Lyshovden in its northeast. After passing by Oasen, I decided to make a brief exploration of Skulehaugen -- kind of strange to passing by this little hill (almost) every day, but never actually making it up to its "top". After that, it was mostly to the shop and then back home -- so not so much to write, today...

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.


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