Exploring several grottos in Dumdalen (12.07.2023)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Dumdalen P (968m)
Endpoint Dumdalen P (968m)
Characteristic Walk
Duration 2h 00min
Distance 2.8km
Vertical meters 161m
Visits of other PBEs Dumdalsgrottene G1 (990m) 12.07.2023
Dumdalsgrottene G2 (1,030m) 12.07.2023
Dumdalsgrottene parkeringslomme (990m) 12.07.2023
Dumdalsgrotte nr 6 (1,090m) 12.07.2023
Entering one of the larger grottos in Dumdalen -- exciting! :-)
Entering one of the larger grottos in Dumdalen -- exciting! :-)
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

After a night at Jotunheimen Fjellstue, we decided to explore Dumdalen and (some of) the caves there. Parking right next to the road that leads further up to Sognefjellet, we used trails on both sides of Dumma to get up and down Dumdalen. While we certainly did not see all of the caves, we easily found several of them. Next to some of them, we also identified the markers (like "G3", "G10", etc.). The first aspect of this grottos that impressed us was the matter of fact that not so small Dumma disappears several times entirely in them. So it's not just interesting caves, but also an energetic mountain stream that rushes through several of them! While we mostly looked at these caves from the outside, we could not resist and also entered two (or three) of them. Especially grotto #10 is quite large and we used the lights on our mobile phones to get around a bit. All in all, this really is an impressive and worthwhile excursion that also is very near to the main road (so really easy). When stepping into the larger caves, however, one should clearly by cautious (as they seem to be wet and slippery all the time). Enjoy! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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