Øykjafonn and Skipanuten from Upsete (13.05.2023)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Upsete stasjon (851m)
Endpoint Upsete stasjon (851m)
Characteristic Backcountry skiing
Duration 6h 07min
Distance 20.5km
Vertical meters 1,348m
Ascents Skipanuten (1,499m) 13.05.2023
Skipanuten nord (1,388m) 13.05.2023
Øykjafonn (1,604m) 13.05.2023
Visits of other PBEs Upsete Fjellstove (878m) 13.05.2023
Upsete stasjon (851m) 13.05.2023

Øykjafonn and Skipanuten from Upsete

Upsete train station
Upsete train station
Approaching the long ascent
Approaching the long ascent
On the way to Øykjafonn
On the way to Øykjafonn
The summit of Øykjafonn
The summit of Øykjafonn
Summit cairn at Øykjafonn
Summit cairn at Øykjafonn
Summit cairn at Øykjafonn
Summit cairn at Øykjafonn

When petter (Petter Bjørstad) asked if I wanted to go hiking or skiing this weekend I of course said yes, and we settled on a skiing trip to Øykjafonn and Skipanuten. After taking an early train from Bergen we arrived at Upsete stasjon shortly after nine, and after finding a way to safely get to the other side of the train tracks we started the 750 vertical meters ascent to Øykjafonn.

After crossing the river coming down from Gangsdalsvatnet via a snow bridge we pretty much followed the ridge south all the way to the summit. Still plenty of snow, although there were also times when we had to navigate around areas where the snow had already disappeared. Excellent panoramic views from the large summit cairn.

Next, we removed the climbing skins and continued south towards Skipanuten. The descent to the small lake between the two summits was overall straightforward and after I had made a quick visit of the minor summit Skipanuten nord we started our ascent of the actual Skipanuten, which we soon reached without any problems and could enjoy the great views.

At Skipanuten we made a U-turn and more or less followed our own tracks back to the train station, including a couple of breaks on the way in order to not have to wait too long for the train. The top layer of the snow had now melted and provided near perfect conditions for the long descent from Øykjafonn and in the end we arrived at the station around half an hour early.

In summary, an excellent skiing trip that can be very highly recommended! (Note however that at the beginning of the long ascent to Øykjafonn one ought to be careful with regards to potential avalanches. Although it should be straightforward to find a safe route.)

North/northeast towards Flåmsdalen from Øykjafonn
North/northeast towards Flåmsdalen from Øykjafonn
West into Raundalen from Øykjafonn
West into Raundalen from Øykjafonn
Hardangerjøkulen from Øykjafonn
Hardangerjøkulen from Øykjafonn
Towards Vassfjøra from Øykjafonn with Skipanuten down to the left
Towards Vassfjøra from Øykjafonn with Skipanuten down to the left
Approaching Skipanuten with Vassfjøra to the right
Approaching Skipanuten with Vassfjøra to the right
Approaching the north face of Skipanuten
Approaching the north face of Skipanuten
The highest point at the minor summit referred to as Skipanuten nord
The highest point at the minor summit referred to as Skipanuten nord
Ruvlenuten from Skipanuten nord
Ruvlenuten from Skipanuten nord
Looking back at Øykjafonn from Skipanuten nord
Looking back at Øykjafonn from Skipanuten nord
The north face of Skipanuten from Skipanuten nord
The north face of Skipanuten from Skipanuten nord
Approaching the summit of Skipanuten. Left: Vassfjøra, right: Skorafjellet.
Approaching the summit of Skipanuten. Left: Vassfjøra, right: Skorafjellet.
The summit cairn at Skipanuten
The summit cairn at Skipanuten
Southwest from Skipanuten
Southwest from Skipanuten
Vassfjøra from Skipanuten
Vassfjøra from Skipanuten
Hardangerjøkulen from Skipanuten
Hardangerjøkulen from Skipanuten
Towards Raundalsryggen from Skipanuten
Towards Raundalsryggen from Skipanuten
Øykjafonn from Skipanuten
Øykjafonn from Skipanuten
Returning to Økjafonn. Note the smiley near the center of the image! :)
Returning to Økjafonn. Note the smiley near the center of the image! :)
Descending to Upsete
Descending to Upsete
Passing by Upsete Fjellstove on the way to the train station
Passing by Upsete Fjellstove on the way to the train station

Start date 13.05.2023 09:30
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 13.05.2023 15:37
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 6h 07min
Moving Time 4h 39min
Stopped Time 1h 27min
Overall Average 3.3km/h
Moving Average 4.4km/h
Distance 20.5km
Vertical meters 1,347m

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