Round around Dyrdalsvatnet from Øvstebø (15.10.2022)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Øvstebø (250m)
Endpoint Øvstebø (250m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 4h 30min
Distance 10.1km
Vertical meters 795m
Ascents Austefjellet (808m) 15.10.2022
Hausdalshorga (784m) 15.10.2022
Nobbane (711m) 15.10.2022
Visits of other PBEs Varden på Hausdalshorga (775m) 15.10.2022
Nice autumn day on Hausdalshorgi
Nice autumn day on Hausdalshorgi
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We expected a rather nice autumn day and decided to hike up to Hausdalshorgi, one of our favorite mountains near Bergen. A good way to approach Hausdalshorgi is from Øvstebø, a short way further northeast from Bontveit. The usual route leads first up to Dyrdalsvatnet (parallel to Dyrdalselva, on its northwestern side) and from there further up to Hausdalshorgi, conveniently using a little bridge over Dyrdalselva (when it's not swept away by some floods as a few years back). This time, we wished to explore an alternative approach to Hausdalshorgi, crossing Dyrdalselva already at Øvstebø, then ascending through the forest up to Bjørnaberget, and then further up along a small ridge that extends in northwestern direction from Bjørnaberget. Even though the stretch up to Bjørnaberget is steep, and one needs to make progress without a trail, this still was possible without difficulties, after all. Especially, once up at Bjørnaberget, hiking further up to Hausdalshorgi was straight forward and easy. From Hausdalshorgi, we then walked over to Austefjellet, enjoying many nice views in all directions. We then continued our round around Dyrdalsvatnet by connecting to Nobbane on the eastern side of Dyrdalen. From Nobbane, we then descended via Vigrane, crossing back towards Dyrdalen via Hovden and then following the "main trail" down to Øvstebø. Really a very nice round! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Hausdalshorgi and also web page provides useful information about Hausdalshorgi.
Web page from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends a similar hike.

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