Liatårnet and Haganesfjellet from Liaskjeret (23.04.2022)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Liaskjærshallen (30m)
Endpoint Liaskjærshallen (30m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 3h 30min
Distance 8.8km
Vertical meters 509m
Ascents Haganesfjellet (232m) 23.04.2022
Høgafjellet Nord (299m) 23.04.2022
Kattafjellet (191m) 23.04.2022
Liatårnet (341m) 23.04.2022
Visits of other PBEs Jonsokhaugen parkering (30m) 23.04.2022
Looking south from Liatårnet (towards Indrafjellet)
Looking south from Liatårnet (towards Indrafjellet)
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

Liatårnet and Haganesfjellet from Liaskjeret. We parked next to Liaskjershallen in the southeast of Liatårnet on Sotra and walked first back (northwards) along Liaskjervegen until we found the spot where one can ascend to Dansarhaugen (just a few steps above the last houses on the hillside up to Liatårnet). We then crossed Skoradalen, mostly in northern direction, before we changed course after crossing over Bukkhelleren into a more northwestern direction, ascending rather straight up towards Liatårnet. Once on Liatårnet, we started our traverse across the heights south of Liatårnet, mostly in southern direction. South of Høgafjellet, we then came to Kattatjørna. This time, we passed by this lake on its eastern side, also stepping over Kattafjellet. It then was just straight southwards, more or less, to reach Haganesfjellet (Indrafjellet). After a nice break on Haganesfjellet, we then returned to Liaskjeret via Rindane and Trollhaugen, following a proper trail there.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Liatårnet and also web page provides useful information about Liatårnet.

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