Moldaneset and Moldaåsen from Solstrand (04.04.2022)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Solstrand hotel (15m)
Endpoint Solstrand hotel (15m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 2h 09min
Distance 9.6km
Vertical meters 327m
Ascents Moldaåsen (85m) 04.04.2022
Visits of other PBEs Moldaneset (1m) 04.04.2022

Moldaneset and Moldaåsen from Solstrand

At the first return to Solstrand after the pandemic, I used the extended break before dinner to explore Moldaneset and Moldaåsen. Roads and trails were followed for the entire hike, except for the short off-trail detour to the summit of Moldaåsen. The first part of the hike even had a marked trail, although I misunderstood the signs and made an unnecessary detour instead of heading directly to the tip of Moldaneset. On my way to Moldaåsen, I also visited Salbuneset/Salbuvika (still following a trail), mainly to get at least some views, as I knew that these would be limited from the summit. This was indeed also the case, and while the summit could be reached without any issues, it is probably not a location that most hikers will feel the need to visit. I also went to the highest point at Gråberget (on the other side of the road from Moldaåsen), but the views were no better there either, before returning to Solstrand via the gravel road in Moldadalen. Overall, a nice short hike with excellent views along the way, just not from the summit(s).

View from Solstrand with Hovlandsnuten and Tysnessåta in the background
View from Solstrand with Hovlandsnuten and Tysnessåta in the background
Start of the marked trail to Smievågen and Moldaneset
Start of the marked trail to Smievågen and Moldaneset
Approaching Smievågen
Approaching Smievågen
Towards Stord from south of Smievågen
Towards Stord from south of Smievågen
Marked trail to Moldaneset
Marked trail to Moldaneset
South from Moldaneset
South from Moldaneset
Fusafjellet from Moldaneset
Fusafjellet from Moldaneset
Trail northeast from Moldaneset
Trail northeast from Moldaneset
Tractor road south of Moldaneset
Tractor road south of Moldaneset
Towards Hovlandsnuten and Tysnessåta from Salbuneset/Salbuvika
Towards Hovlandsnuten and Tysnessåta from Salbuneset/Salbuvika
Fusafjellet and Eikelandsfjorden from Salbuneset/Salbuvika
Fusafjellet and Eikelandsfjorden from Salbuneset/Salbuvika
The summit of Moldaåsen
The summit of Moldaåsen
The summit of Gråberget (just on the other side of the road from Moldaåsen)
The summit of Gråberget (just on the other side of the road from Moldaåsen)
Southwest in Moldadalen
Southwest in Moldadalen

Start date 04.04.2022 17:08
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 04.04.2022 19:17
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 2h 09min
Moving Time 2h 05min
Stopped Time 0h 4min
Overall Average 4.5km/h
Moving Average 4.6km/h
Distance 9.6km
Vertical meters 326m

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