Liatårnet from Li (11.12.2021)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Liaskjærshallen (25m)
Endpoint Liaskjærshallen (25m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 2h 30min
Distance 5.3km
Vertical meters 334m
Ascents Liatårnet (341m) 11.12.2021
Visits of other PBEs Jonsokhaugen parkering (30m) 11.12.2021
On Skoganutane with some nice sunshine! :-)
On Skoganutane with some nice sunshine! :-)
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We expected some sunshine (not any long day, though, of course) and thus headed for some snow near Bergen! :-) Remembering a very nice winter hike up to Liatårnet in Jan. 2019, we aimed at Liatårnet, again, but this time via a slightly different route. Also this time, we drove to Li (on the eastside of Liatårnet) and parked near Liaskjærshallen right next to Liaskjervegen at Liaskjeret. From there, we first walked back a little (north along Liaskjervegen) until we turned left (onto Elvabakkvegen). After walking up this road for a few meters, the road splits into two in a T-junction; there, straight onwards, one finds a trail head from which one can get behind the houses in westwards direction (for ex., towards Trollhaugen in the southwest). Our plan was to ascend into the direction of Liatårnet from there, so we did not wish to get all too far into southwestern direction. Especially, after crossing Lielva, we thought that we had gone too far in this direction, already. With a little bit of back-tracking, we soon were back on the norther side of the stream. There, we then started to step in to northwestern direction (towards Skogabrekkene, without any trail), instead. Proceeding off-trail in the snow-covered terrain was (a) quite a bit idyllic, but then (b) also slow as every step was also a step onto unclear ground (how deep would one sink into the snow, what would be under the snow?). With a bit of left and right, in order to find a suitable trajectory, we soon made height meter after height meter. Once above 100mosl, we deviated from our original plan (which was to follow a little ditch that extends "diagonally" across the southeastern hill-side of Liatårnet there, mostly on north--south direction) and followed a nicer looking "valley" in northwestern direction. At about 175mosl, then, we also left this "valley", continuing further in northern direcion (up Skogabrekkene). The continued ascent from there was then pretty straight-forward and soon after we arrived at Skoganutane, which offer some very nice views across Skogavatnet on their western side. From there, we then continued (mostly over the heights in the north of Skogavatnet) into the direction of Liatårnet. Progress was not exactly swift, but stepping through this wild, snow-covered landscape was really nice! :-) From Liatårnet, we then decided to take a trail down to Li (the one that we had taken up in Jan. 2019). Since someone had used this trail on one of these days already, it was also very easy to find. Even though we discussed (on our way down) whether we should try to connect to the south of Li via the hill-side (instead of walking back along the road), we eventually decided against it. Accordingly, we quickly ended up at Hølo and from there at Liaskjervegen, which we then walked back to your car. All in all, this (short) hike was nice due to sun and snow, while it also was a little adventure, especially the off-trail ascent.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Web page provides useful information about Liatårnet
and also Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Liatårnet.

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