Crossing Gullsteinen to Fyllingsdalen (13.10.2021)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Fjøsangerveien (25m)
Endpunkt Varden (45m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 2h 00min
Entfernung 8,5km
Höhenmeter 359m
Besuche anderer PBE Sælen kirke p-plass (15m) 13.10.2021
Crossing Gullsteinen from Fjøsanger to Fyllingsdalen
Crossing Gullsteinen from Fjøsanger to Fyllingsdalen
Height profile with indication of inclination (black: very steep, red: steep) as well as height meters up (blue markers).
Height profile with indication of inclination (black: very steep, red: steep) as well as height meters up (blue markers).
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

After dropping off my bike for a service I head back to Fyllingsdalen. After crossing Fjøsangerveien near the near tunnel portal (for Bybanen and cyclists), I walked up Grønestølsveien to find a way into the green above the houses. After getting to Grønnestølslien, I could not see an immediate opportunity to continue further up. Accordingly, I first followed Grønnestølslien in southern direction until it ends near a littl stream that is coming down from Løvstakken there. There, I connected to a proper trail that leads upwards; first on the eastern side of the stream. At about 160mosl, I crossed the stream and continued further upwards in western direction. After crossing over an old stone wall, I arrived at a somewhat flat spot at about 250mosl. From there, I continued further upwards in western direction (this stretch then without a trail). This brought me to a little ridge at about 300mosl (in the north of Langatjørna). Walking just a little bit further upwards and into northern direction brought me to the trail to Gullsteinen (then in southwestern direction). After following this trail for a short stretch, I left it for Nils Langhelles vei down in the west of the ridge between Løvstakken in the north and Gullsteinen a bit further in the south. While the trail down to Nils Langhelles vei was easy to find, it still was a little slippery in all the rain. At least I was satisfied that I had managed to get down from the ridge before it had turned completely dark. From Nils Langhelles vei, I then connected to J. L. Mowinckels vei. Passing by Benshaugen, I then continued along Nedre Krohnegården into the direction of Oasen. From there, it was then to pass by Orrtuvatnt and down to Sælen, before I arrive at Varden (thoroughly wet).

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.


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