Våganipen and Lukefjellet from Kilen (04.09.2021)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Kilen kryss (31m)
Endpoint Medhus (104m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 6h 20min
Distance 17.1km
Vertical meters 1,331m
Ascents Lukefjellet (767m) 04.09.2021
Tomravardafjellet (712m) 04.09.2021
Våganipen (819m) 04.09.2021
Visits of other PBEs Bjørndalsetret (526m) 04.09.2021

Våganipen and Lukefjellet from Kilen

On the way to the trailhead
On the way to the trailhead
Approaching the trailhead
Approaching the trailhead
The marked trailhead
The marked trailhead
Rough and muddy tractor road
Rough and muddy tractor road
Crossing the logging area
Crossing the logging area
Start of the marked trail
Start of the marked trail
Bridge across Hjortedalselva
Bridge across Hjortedalselva
Marked trail up Henangerskaret
Marked trail up Henangerskaret
Henangervatnet fr. Henangerskaret
Henangervatnet fr. Henangerskaret
The top of Henangerskaret
The top of Henangerskaret
Våganipen from Bjørndalsetret
Våganipen from Bjørndalsetret

As far as I could tell, all previously reported ascents of Våganipen had been from the southwest, which is difficult to get to by public transport, especially during the weekends. I was therefore happy when coming across a trip suggestion at ut.no which showed an ascent of Våganipen via Bjørndalsetret, as this would allow me to start my hike from the bus stop at Kilen. I therefore hopped on a bus from Bergen and got off at the bus stop called "Kilen kryss", and after a short 1.5 km walk along the road I arrived the start of the marked trailhead for Våganipen.

After passing by the shooting range for Sævareidfjorden Skyttarlag, where there was no activity today, the gravel road changed into a rough and muddy tractor road, and soon more or less disappeared as I entered an area of recent logging. It was however still easy to make progress, unlike other similar areas I have passed through before, and I quickly got to the marked trail at the other side just as it entered into the forest. From here on the trail was clearly marked with red paint all the way to the summit of Våganipen.

After crossing the river via a bridge, the trail got much steeper and stayed that way until getting close to Bjørndalsetret, but there were no difficult sections nor sections where scrambling was required. The top of Henangerskaret was one of the highlights of the hike, with excellent views back down to Henangervatnet and the steep eastern side of Våganipen now visible on the right. At Bjørndalsetret the trail shortly flattened out, before starting the final climb towards the summit, still following red markers.

Just as I was getting to the summit, the fog arrived, and thus ruined most of the views. After a quick lunch and a chat with two fellow hikers, the clouds thankfully lifted enough for us to at least get an idea of what the views must be up here on days with better conditions. Sadly, I did not have the time to wait for it to clear completely (as it would later in the day), as I was also planning on making a visit of Lukefjellet before returning to Bergen, and in any case, the wind was too cold to wait for much longer anyway.

While the terrain in between Våganipen and Lukefjellet is pretty open and with little to no vegetation, it does however contain lots of minor ups and downs mixed with small lakes, resulting in having to pay extra attention to the map in order to avoid too much backtracking, especially as there were no trails as far as I could see. After a detailed look at the map, I decided to return to Bjørndalsetret and restart my ascent from there. In the end, I managed to avoid any backtracking, well except for a short detour to Tomravardafjellet which provided excellent views from a larger cairn north of the summit, and made it to the summit of Lukefjellet without any real difficulties. By now the low-hanging clouds had disappeared completely and I could enjoy the excellent views from Lukefjellet.

After another short break, I started my descent which more or less followed in the footsteps of previous visitors of Lukefjellet. First relatively steeply along a ridge, before soon connecting with a trail marked with red paint (not sure where this one was ascending to though, as I did not see any signs), and finally ending up at an initially very steep tractor road which later turned more normal and took me all the way down to the bus stop at Medhus by the main road in Mundheimsdalen.

In summary, given that I have not myself tried the ascent of Våganipen from the west, I cannot compare the two, but this route via Henangerskaret is definitely a good alternative and provides very nice scenery along the way. Hiking from Våganipen to Lukefjellet, and descending from Lukefjellet to the tractor road to Medhus, can also be recommended for those liking a bit of off-trail hiking in slightly more challenging terrain.

The final ascent of Våganipen from the south
The final ascent of Våganipen from the south
Towards Lukefjellet from the ascent to Våganipen
Towards Lukefjellet from the ascent to Våganipen
Approaching the summit of Våganipen
Approaching the summit of Våganipen
The fog arriving...
The fog arriving...
Southwest from Våganipen
Southwest from Våganipen
Northwest from Våganipen with Rødsfjellet to the right of center
Northwest from Våganipen with Rødsfjellet to the right of center
Looking back at Våganipen with Bjørndalsetret to the bottom right
Looking back at Våganipen with Bjørndalsetret to the bottom right
The highest point at Tomravardafjellet with its peculiar "landing strip lights" :)
The highest point at Tomravardafjellet with its peculiar "landing strip lights" :)
The larger cairn south of the summit of Tomravardafjellet
The larger cairn south of the summit of Tomravardafjellet
North from Tomravardafjellet with Hovden at the center
North from Tomravardafjellet with Hovden at the center
South/southwest from Tomravardafjellet. Right: Helleknappen, left: Lukefjellet.
South/southwest from Tomravardafjellet. Right: Helleknappen, left: Lukefjellet.
Towards Lukefjellet from Tomravardafjellet
Towards Lukefjellet from Tomravardafjellet
Unnamed cabin north of Lukefjellet with Skogseidvatnet in the background
Unnamed cabin north of Lukefjellet with Skogseidvatnet in the background
Approaching the summit of Lukefjellet
Approaching the summit of Lukefjellet
Southwest from Lukefjellet. Right: Helleknappen, background: Tysnesøya
Southwest from Lukefjellet. Right: Helleknappen, background: Tysnesøya
South/southeast from Lukefjellet towards Øynefjorden with Gravdalshorga to the right
South/southeast from Lukefjellet towards Øynefjorden with Gravdalshorga to the right
Northeast from Lukefjellet with Vedasnerta and Nessteinen in the background
Northeast from Lukefjellet with Vedasnerta and Nessteinen in the background
Lukefjellet with Våganipen in the background
Lukefjellet with Våganipen in the background
Vedasnerta (left) and Nessteinen (right) from the descent from Lukefjellet
Vedasnerta (left) and Nessteinen (right) from the descent from Lukefjellet
Descending from Lukefjellet
Descending from Lukefjellet
Coming across a marked trail southwest of the tractor road
Coming across a marked trail southwest of the tractor road
The initially very steep tractor road
The initially very steep tractor road
The tractor road down to Bakka and Medhus
The tractor road down to Bakka and Medhus
Vedasnerta from the tractor road
Vedasnerta from the tractor road
Looking back up at the road down from Bakka from the bus stop
Looking back up at the road down from Bakka from the bus stop

Start date 04.09.2021 10:47
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 04.09.2021 17:08
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 6h 20min
Moving Time 5h 16min
Stopped Time 1h 04min
Overall Average 2.7km/h
Moving Average 3.2km/h
Distance 17.1km
Vertical meters 1,331m

User comments

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    Written by HHauser 06.09.2021 08:50

    So nice, so interesting! I've thought myself about ascending to Våganipen from the north (haven't done or attempted so yet though) and now I know that this is definitely an interesting idea! Thanks for the report!

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      Re: Nice!

      Written by hbar 06.09.2021 16:39

      Thanks! Most of the credit ought to go to the person adding the trip suggestion at ut.no though. As I don't think I would have attempted this ascent without that knowledge. :)

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