Four small hills south of Småvatnet and Storavatnet (11.07.2021)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Medhaugsflaten (42m)
Endpoint Loddefjord terminal (4m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 2h 31min
Distance 8.5km
Vertical meters 354m
Ascents Grønabrekka (94m) 11.07.2021
Mathopsskjenet (73m) 11.07.2021
Nord for Medhaugsflaten (81m) 11.07.2021
Myraskjena (87m) 11.07.2021
Storhaugen (87m) 11.07.2021
NØ for Ytste Rotatjørna (88m) 11.07.2021
Visits of other PBEs Vassenden skole (tuft) (29m) 11.07.2021

Four small hills south of Småvatnet and Storavatnet

On a hike with the main objective of visiting Grønabrekka, a recent addition to the Alle topper i Bergen list, I took the opportunity to explore the area south of Småvatnet and Storavatnet. This resulted in visiting three additional small hills, all with their own name, namely Myraskjena, Mathopsskjenet and Storhaugen, each now added as its own PB-element. To my surprise, all four summits, except for Storhaugen (which only required a very short off-trail detour), could be reached simply by following the many trails in the area, which were overall of good quality (even those not indicated on the map). This made for a much nicer hike than expected, despite the relatively limited views from most of the summits.

Update: two additional small hills that I happened to visited were later added (not by me) as their own PB-elements, namely N for Medhaugsflaten and NØ for Ytste Rotatjørna.

The trailhead at Medhaugsflaten
The trailhead at Medhaugsflaten
The small hill called N for Medhaugsflaten
The small hill called N for Medhaugsflaten
Lyderhorn from south of Ytste Rotatjørna
Lyderhorn from south of Ytste Rotatjørna
Ytste Rotatjørna with Store Kongshaugen in the background
Ytste Rotatjørna with Store Kongshaugen in the background
The trig marker at Myraskjena
The trig marker at Myraskjena
South from Myraskjena with Store Kongshaugen to the left
South from Myraskjena with Store Kongshaugen to the left
Southwest from Myraskjena with Pyttane/Liatårnet to the right
Southwest from Myraskjena with Pyttane/Liatårnet to the right
The summit area of the hill later named NØ for Ytste Rotatjørna
The summit area of the hill later named NØ for Ytste Rotatjørna
Insta Rotatjørna
Insta Rotatjørna
The summit of Mathopsskjenet
The summit of Mathopsskjenet
The southern corner of Småvatnet
The southern corner of Småvatnet
Unmarked trailhead for Storhaugen
Unmarked trailhead for Storhaugen
The highest point at Storhaugen
The highest point at Storhaugen
The summit of Storhaugen with Store Kongshaugen looming in the background
The summit of Storhaugen with Store Kongshaugen looming in the background
Trail towards Grønabrekka
Trail towards Grønabrekka
The summit of Grønabrekka
The summit of Grønabrekka
Approaching Hetleviktoppen
Approaching Hetleviktoppen
Looking back at the trailhead at Hetleviktoppen
Looking back at the trailhead at Hetleviktoppen

Start date 11.07.2021 17:00
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 11.07.2021 19:31
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 2h 31min
Moving Time 2h 28min
Stopped Time 0h 3min
Overall Average 3.4km/h
Moving Average 3.4km/h
Distance 8.5km
Vertical meters 354m

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