Evening walk to Mindebakken (19.05.2021)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Casperkollen parking (50m)
Endpoint Casperkollen parking (50m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 1h 30min
Distance 4.0km
Vertical meters 300m
Ascents Casperkollen (66m) 19.05.2021
Lerkhaugen (81m) 19.05.2021
Lisahaugen (115m) 19.05.2021
Mindebakkentoppen (283m) 19.05.2021
Visits of other PBEs Casperkollen turparkering (48m) 19.05.2021
Litla Langafjellet søyle (150m) 19.05.2021
At the northern end of Mindebakken
At the northern end of Mindebakken
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

To get a bit of fresh air after another day of home office, we drove to the parking at Øvre Kråkenes at the southern end of Løvstien and started from there. Before continuing into the direction of Løvstien, we first made a quick detour to what possibly is called Casperkollen, on the southern side of the parking place. After quickly walking up and down this little height, we crossed over the road and continued "in parallel" to Løvstien. After crossing over Lerkhaugen, we crossed Løvstien and made a quick ascent to Lisahaugen, also. On the other, northeastern side of Lisahaugen, we followed the ridge east of Løvstien upwards until we crossed Løvstien once again to get closer to Mindebakken at Litla Langafjellet. There, we then followed a trail that for the first 40 height meters follows what previously must have been a lit trail (one still sees a number of poles with the remains of the lights on top there). Following this trail further northwards, we surrounded Mindebakken, approaching its "top" from the north, then. After crossing over Mindebakken, then, we followed the little stream that comes down from Langatjørna in southern direction. Within short, we were back down to Løvstien and then also to our car. Good to catch some fresh air in the evening! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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