Øyanovi, Storafjellet and Gløvret (Storfossen to Vaksdal) (27.06.2019)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Storfossen/Storfossdammen (416m)
Endpoint Vaksdal (18m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 9h 15min
Distance 21.3km
Vertical meters 1,158m
Ascents Bjørnafjellet (752m) 27.06.2019
Gløvret (949m) 27.06.2019
Grånipa (806m) 27.06.2019
Javnasåta (636m) 27.06.2019
Møyadalsnubben (881m) 27.06.2019
Storafjellet (950m) 27.06.2019
Øyanovi (801m) 27.06.2019
Visits of other PBEs Kåresteinen (554m) 27.06.2019
Vaksdal stasjon (17m) 27.06.2019
Øyanovi utsiktspunkt (790m) 27.06.2019

Øyanovi, Storafjellet and Gløvret (Storfossen to Vaksdal)

Øyaskaret marked trail
Øyaskaret marked trail
Looking back at Storfossdammen
Looking back at Storfossdammen
Dystingen from Øyanovi
Dystingen from Øyanovi
Øyanovi utsiktspunkt
Øyanovi utsiktspunkt
Dale from Øyanovi utsiktspunkt
Dale from Øyanovi utsiktspunkt
Møyadalen. Storafjellet to the right.
Møyadalen. Storafjellet to the right.
Looking back at Øyanovi
Looking back at Øyanovi
North from Møyadalsnubben
North from Møyadalsnubben
South from Møyadalsnubben
South from Møyadalsnubben
East from Møyadalsnubben
East from Møyadalsnubben
Storafjellet from Møyadalsnubben
Storafjellet from Møyadalsnubben
Looking back at Møyadalsnubben
Looking back at Møyadalsnubben

We started by taking the train to Dale and from there the connecting bus up to Storfossen/Storfossdammen. After crossing along the top of the dam, we followed the marked (but clearly not very heavily used) trail up Øyaskaret. Did not see any trails in the direction of Øyanovi, but when reaching the top of Øyaskaret it was straightforward to make progress towards the summit.

Note that the best views from Øyanovi were not obtained at the summit itself, but rather 100 meters further north (now added as a separate PB element). For our return to the marked trail, we made a shortcut heading more directly south, but it would probably have been just as fast, due to the terrain, to rather retrace our steps to where we left the trail earlier on.

We then followed the marked trail towards Møyadalsnubben, but missed our exit and had to turn back when noticing that we seemed to be heading in the direction of Blåfjellet. The mistake was easily corrected, but we did not manage to locate a trail to Møyadalsnubben, which was still easily reached, and became the location of our first lunch break.

From Møyadalsnubben we continued south across the summit, where we came across a weak trail that greatly simplified the first part of the descent. Finding a suitable location to start the ascent of Storafjellet was also not too difficult, and we shortly arrived at the summit, where we could enjoy the great views and get an excellent overview southwest to Gløvret and beyond.

By following the ridge southwest, at times even along trails/animal tracks, it was surprisingly easy to get from Storafjellet to Gløvret, and the distance was quickly covered. Gløvret had a large cairn at hill 943, but the slightly higher summit is around 200 meters further southwest. We continued about the same distance southwest, where we came across a natural stone bench that was perfect for our second lunch break, and where we could also enjoy the excellent views, including very nice views towards Folgefonna.

After the break we continued southwest along Gløvreegga, still along the ridge and still partly on trails/animal tracks, passing by the large cairn at hill 897. Here the trail continued down into the valley between Gløvreegga and Grånipa, and following it was very useful for finding a good place the descend, as there were some steep areas to avoid.

In the valley the trail more or less disappeared, or at least we could not see any trails heading in the direction of Grånipa. (A later inspection of the map uncovered a path heading south of Grånipa. See HHauser (Helwig Hauser)'s trip report for more details on this option.) But even without a trail to follow, it was still relatively easy to make progress towards Grånipa, which provided two cairns at two hills of very similar height. As far as I could tell the eastern one is the summit, but both were of course visited to be on the safe side.

We now had to make a choice regarding which train to aim for at Vaksdal, and given the nice weather we decided on the later of the two considered options, and should thus have plenty of time to also include a visit of Bjørnafjellet. From Grånipa we therefore headed straight west, passing by the remains of Jamnasætra, before finding a simple ascent to Bjørnafjellet, avoiding the step sections of Budalen, and getting some nice views towards Flatafjellet on the way.

Similar to Grånipa, Bjørnafjellet also consisted of two twin hills of almost identical height, and again both were visited, with a third short lunch break at the western summit. After a quick visit of the eastern summit, we made our own way down to the cabins at Flærne, from where we followed a trail down to Javnasåta, making sure to also include a quick visit of the summit.

All that remained was now the surprisingly steep and slippery descent to Javna. And while we initially assumed that we would have plenty of time for the planned train at Vaksdal, this last part of the hike took significantly longer than expected, and we actually had to push to make sure that we would indeed reach the train station in time. In the end we made it with 10-15 minutes to spare and could even slow down when reaching the paved road and the marked trailhead at Javna.

In summary, an excellent hike that can be very highly recommended. Spectacular views along the way and a terrain that makes it surprisingly easy to make progress, even for the sections without a clear trail. The key exception being the steep and slippery descent from Javnasåta to Vaksdal. So be sure to factor this in if having a train to catch!

The cairn at Storafjellet. Dystingen in the background left.
The cairn at Storafjellet. Dystingen in the background left.
Towards Gløvret from Storafjellet
Towards Gløvret from Storafjellet
Looking back at Storafjellet
Looking back at Storafjellet
Towards Folgefonna from Gløvret
Towards Folgefonna from Gløvret
The cairn at Gløvret. Dystingen (left) and Storafjellet (right) in the background.
The cairn at Gløvret. Dystingen (left) and Storafjellet (right) in the background.
Lake south of the cairn at Gløvret
Lake south of the cairn at Gløvret
Southwest from Gløvret
Southwest from Gløvret
Northeast from Gløvret
Northeast from Gløvret
Southwest along Gløvreegga
Southwest along Gløvreegga
Hill 897 southwest on Gløvreegga. (Note the butterfly!)
Hill 897 southwest on Gløvreegga. (Note the butterfly!)
Eastern cairn at Grånipa. View southwest.
Eastern cairn at Grånipa. View southwest.
Eastern cairn at Grånipa. View east.
Eastern cairn at Grånipa. View east.
Grånipa with Gløvret in the background
Grånipa with Gløvret in the background
Western cairn at Grånipa. View north.
Western cairn at Grånipa. View north.
Western cairn at Grånipa with Gløvret in the background.
Western cairn at Grånipa with Gløvret in the background.
The remains of Jamnesætra
The remains of Jamnesætra
The twin peaks at Bjørnafjellet from the north
The twin peaks at Bjørnafjellet from the north
Flatafjellet from Bjørnafjellet
Flatafjellet from Bjørnafjellet
The western peak at Bjørnafjellet.  View south.
The western peak at Bjørnafjellet. View south.
South/southwest from Bjørnafjellet
South/southwest from Bjørnafjellet
The western peak at Bjørnafjellet (from the eastern peak).
The western peak at Bjørnafjellet (from the eastern peak).
The eastern peak at Bjørnafjellet. View south.
The eastern peak at Bjørnafjellet. View south.
North/northeast from Bjørnafjellet
North/northeast from Bjørnafjellet
Approaching Flærne
Approaching Flærne
Javnasåta from Flærne
Javnasåta from Flærne
Javnasåta with Flærne in the background
Javnasåta with Flærne in the background
Javnasåta. View northeast. (Again, note the butterflies!)
Javnasåta. View northeast. (Again, note the butterflies!)
Vaksdal from (the descent from) Javnasåta
Vaksdal from (the descent from) Javnasåta
Looking back at the marked trailhead at Javna
Looking back at the marked trailhead at Javna

Start date 27.06.2019 09:56
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 27.06.2019 19:11
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 9h 15min
Moving Time 7h 34min
Stopped Time 1h 40min
Overall Average 2.3km/h
Moving Average 2.8km/h
Distance 21.3km
Vertical meters 1,158m

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