Hermannsdalstinden (13.06.2019)  6

Written by Skippy (Innika De Rosa)

Start point Forsfjord (28m)
Endpoint Hermenndalstinden (1,029m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 4h 34min
Distance 9.3km
Vertical meters 1,226m
Ascents Hermannsdalstinden (1,029m) 13.06.2019

When we woke up to an unbelievable third day of sun in a row, we decided today had to be Hermanndalstinden :) We organised at the ticket office in reine for the reinefjorden boat to take us into forsfjorden so we could start the hike.

Off we go
Off we go

The trail starts to the right after we hopped off the boat and we started gaining elevation quickly, through a really wet and rocky trail. The view just kept getting more and more ridiculous as we gained elevation so there was quite a few pauses for photos along the way.

Gaining elevation with the summit in sights
Gaining elevation with the summit in sights
Shoes will need a wash after today!
Shoes will need a wash after today!

After around 45min we came to a flatter section, where we took the path to the right and headed down around 75moh and started gaining elevation again. Here the trail became total rubbish for a while, and was quite exposed in places,before we passed some ropes and chains and started getting better again.

Last section of the ridge
Last section of the ridge

Soon we had the final ridge in sight and then followed the trail hugging the left of the ridge. The last 100moh was quite a lot of (really fun) scrambling, with the final top being really exposed.

Lunch :)
Lunch :)
Lunch :)
Lunch :)

After lunch, we headed back down the trail and got back down to the fjord at 3pm. Here we just basked in the sun for 30minutes before the boat picked us up and we were on our way back to Reine. Tusen takk for en nydelig dag til fjells uglefisk (Paal Andre Lund)!

Takk for turen :)
Takk for turen :)

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    Missing title

    Written by uglefisk 13.06.2019 21:12

    Ja dette var kremtur!

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