Spring ascent on Snota (18.05.2019)  5

Written by przyboro (Dominik Przyborowski) GSM

Characteristic Hike
Duration 15h 49min
Distance 29.7km
Vertical meters 1,734m
Ascents Snota (1,669m) 18.05.2019
Litl-Snota (1,566m) 18.05.2019
Snota NV (1,475m) 18.05.2019
Visits of other PBEs Vindølbu (480m) 18.05.2019

When I have looking for a good trip during long May weekend, my choice fell on the Snota.
The plan was to reach Snota within a single day trip starting from and back to Vindølbu cabin (a cabin I have reach a day before).
The start from cabin at the 9am, using the road and further path to Vassdalsvatnet lake. Short break, wear the polar and jacket (stronger wind and a bit colder than in the valley), and continue trip by crawling on the rocks of the northern-west tail of Snota massive. The ridge was full of snow, so I wear the snowshoes and continues walk on the top. I have reach the summit at 6pm, took a few photos and finally take a rest after 9 hours of trekking. The panorama was vast, so it was easily to seen Sunndalen, all Trollheimen, fjord of Surnadalen as well as the Fongen massive which from more than 100km distance looks like a great white pyramid.

I decide to came back on the eastern side of Snota. Maybe the chosen path was not time optimal, however gives me a lot of fun slaloming between snow covered lakes and has finished finally ca 2:30 am in the Vindølbu after 31km walk (batteries in my GPS has failed before I reach a cabin).
Start date 18.05.2019 09:12
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 19.05.2019 01:02
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 15h 49min
Moving Time 12h 23min
Stopped Time 3h 25min
Overall Average 1.9km/h
Moving Average 2.4km/h
Distance 29.7km
Vertical meters 1,733m

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