Rollandsoksen (Hesthaugen to Lønborg) (18.05.2019)

Written by hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Start point Hesthaugen (92m)
Endpoint Lønborg (56m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 1h 57min
Distance 8.1km
Vertical meters 425m
Ascents Rollandsoksen (186m) 18.05.2019
Visits of other PBEs Den Trondhjemske Postvei Rolland-Glaskaret (105m) 18.05.2019

Rollandsoksen (Hesthaugen to Lønborg)

A revisit of Rollandsoksen. This time with a more direct route from the bus stop at Hesthaugen, first along roads and later following a nice trail all the way to the summit. From the summit I returned north, before following another trail east until connecting with "Den Trondhjemske Postvei" coming down from Kolåsen, which I then followed until reaching Eidsvåg.

Here I wanted to attempt a new shortcut up to Hellemyrstien from Eidsvåglien, where a trail was indicated on the map. The trailhead was easy to locate, starting with a short staircase northeast of Eidsvåglien 2, but the trail split numerous times with no clear way of knowing which was the best option. In the end I did connect with Hellemyrstien though, and from there concluded my hike by walking home to Lønborg.

Rollandsoksen with Nukane in the background
Rollandsoksen with Nukane in the background
South from Rollandsoksen
South from Rollandsoksen
The cairn at Rollandsoksen
The cairn at Rollandsoksen
Eidsvågsneset from Rollandsoksen
Eidsvågsneset from Rollandsoksen
Eikhøyen just southeast of Rollandsoksen
Eikhøyen just southeast of Rollandsoksen
Approaching Glasskaret
Approaching Glasskaret
Start of the trail from Eidsvåglien toward Hellemyrstien
Start of the trail from Eidsvåglien toward Hellemyrstien
Trail from Eidsvåglien toward Hellemyrstien
Trail from Eidsvåglien toward Hellemyrstien
Start date 18.05.2019 14:49
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 18.05.2019 16:46
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 1h 57min
Moving Time 1h 55min
Stopped Time 0h 1min
Overall Average 4.1km/h
Moving Average 4.2km/h
Distance 8.1km
Vertical meters 424m

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