Jegihorn - 3,206m

Name Jegihorn
Search name Jegihorn
Elevation 3,206 meter
Region Pennine alps, Wallis
Parent regions Europe, Switzerland, The alps, Western Alps
Vertical separation 108 meter
Adviser admin (Administrator)
Last modification 09.03.2016
First ascent
Level of difficulty not rated
Coordinates 32T 420488 5111384 (UTM)
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© Ole-Petter Andersen

Adviser none

Register ascent of Jegihorn.

Overall 5 members have registered 8 ascents of Jegihorn.




Jegihorn is an easy and short scramble summertime, but offers also more serious climbing, especially if continuing the Jegigrat against Fletschhorn.

Getting there

The most convenient way of ascending will be to take the cable car from Saas Grund (Hohsaas Saas-Grund) to Station Kreuzboden. Starting at 2400 meters (by the Weissmies hut), there are still 800 vertical meters to overcome. The easiest way (marked) follows the south (southwest) ridge/side of the mountain, but there is also a via ferrata (klettersteig) with fixed ropes/steel wires and ladders up the steep eastern side. Helmets should be used here!


Tips and miscellaneous


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