Hausdalshorgi (and Austefjellet) from Hausdalen (06.10.2019)

Skrevet av HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startsted Parking in Hausdalen (95moh)
Sluttsted Parking in Hausdalen (95moh)
Turtype Fottur
Turlengde 5t 00min
Distanse 11,1km
Høydemeter 866m
Bestigninger Austefjellet (808moh) 06.10.2019
Hausdalshorga (784moh) 06.10.2019
Andre besøkte PBE'er Hausdalen parkering (94moh) 06.10.2019
Varden på Hausdalshorga (775moh) 06.10.2019
Redningshytten, Gullfjellet (600moh) 06.10.2019

The ascent from Hausdalen to the southwestern ridge of Hausdalshorgi was (very) steep, in certain places, and also quite a bit wild -- redo only when ready for a challenging adventure!
Starting our descent through the upper Hausdalen (with Toro to the upper left).
Starting our descent through the upper Hausdalen (with Toro to the upper left).
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

After completing a rather adventurous hike up and down Møsnuken the day before, we were ready for a new adventure! :-) For years, already, we were wondering whether one could hike Hausdalshorgi from "the bottom of" Hausdalen, also. After studying the map carefully, we decided to give this a try. It had appeared quite doable to hike up the southwestern ridge of Hausdalshorgi, at least from the tree line at about 350mosl. The major remaining question then was about how to get up to this point (N60°20′05″, E5°31′15″). The maps suggests one approach via Askestølen (hiking up a forest road from Samdal first and then continuing in the direction of Bjøllebotn). Since this would require a bit of hiking on roads (first along Hausdalsvegen, then along Lundagotnene), we wondered whether a more direct approach from Hausdalsvegen wouldn't be possible, also. Therefore, after parking at the very end of Hausdalen (like many others on this beautiful autumn day!), we did not walk back on Hausdalsvegen for any longer stretch, but turned right soon after the turning place for the bus (into the direction of Klypet). The idea was that after making it up -- through steep terrain -- to N60°20′06.5″, 5°31′32″ (at about 260mosl), it then should be relatively straight-forward to get over to the targeted spot on the ridge. After all, this first stretch proved to be substantially challenging (at about 180mosl we even considered for a short while to discontinue the whole adventure!) and it needs to be commented that following this route is only recommend to those, who are ready for climbing through substantially steep and non-trivial terrain. At least, after having made it to about 260mosl, everything became more simple (even though still steep) and from there the rest of the hike was well managable! :-) Especially, when reaching the southwestern ridge of Hausdalshorgi at about 350mosl, the continuation upwards to Hausdalshorgi became much more straight-forward! Only at one place, we had to fight ourselves a bit through some bushes. :-) Otherwise, it was then "just" stepping up the steep (but very well doable) ridge to the top of Hausdalshorgi. Once up at Hausdalshorgi, everything else was by trail and thus easy and straight-forward. We first crossed the nice and also impressive ridge from Hausdalshorgi to Austefjellet, before completing our ascent to Austefjellet. This part of this hike offers many beautiful views and his highly recommended! From Austefjellet, we then followed the row of cairns that is leading towards Redningshytten (in the northeast of Austefjellet). From Redningshytten, we then headed towards the upper Hausdalen (between Austefjellet on the right and Toro on the left). A nice trail leads down this valley and directly to the parking spot at the end of Hausdalsvegen. All in all, and with the exception of the first 250 (150) height meters, this hike was truly very enjoyable (the ascent to Hausdalshorgi along its southwestern ridge is significantly steep, though). Maybe the entire hike is that fine, when approaching the ridge via Askestølen nonetheless.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Hausdalshorgi and also web page provides useful information about Hausdalshorgi.
Web page from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends a nice hike to Hausdalshorgi from Bontveit.


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