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Ama Dablam


For a third year in a row I found myself back in the Khumbu valley of Nepal and back to climb another spectacular mountain. After the previous two years with what I considered to be fairly successful and exhilarating trips at altitude, it felt like a tradition needed to be repeated (I like traditions) and an attempt to climb the magnificent Ama Dablam finally needed to be made. It was only about 3 weeks after having come back from Cholatse in 2017 that I’d already made up my mind that this was what I absolutely wanted to do in 2018! It also seemed like a natural objective to have since 2018 would be 10 years after my first visit to Nepal and my first glimpse of the mountain. Once again I joined an expedition organised by Jagged Globe again since they traditionally run their Ama Dablam trips >>>



The first time I saw Cholatse was from the top of Gokyo Ri during my first visit to Nepal in 2008. We then saw it from the Cho La Pass, Lobuche East base camp and the walk out from Island Peak , all during the same trip. It really is a magnificent peak from every angle I’ve seen it from. Since then it had been a peak I’d really wanted to climb but not really found an opportunity to do until more recently when some commercial operators started to run expeditions there, including Jagged Globe who went to Kyajo Ri with in 2016. I knew immediately after coming home from Kyajo Ri that I wanted to go back to Nepal in 2017 and climb something a bit higher and harder. I had initially had Ama Dablam on my mind (who wouldn’t want to climb it??), but after considering the crowd potential of that peak it seemed like a better idea >>>

Kyajo Ri


Now we were in Mende and finished with trekking around the mountain to acclimatize. I’m pretty sure we were all feeling ready to start our ascent of Kyajo Ri. Longer days with more load carrying were lined up, which I was both looking forward to and dreading. Base camp (4500m) The previous evening had ended on a slightly unfortunate note for Deborah, who for some reason or another seemed to be the only one affected by stomach problems on this trip. I started stressing over the possibility that I might also end up with an unexpected trip to the toilet during the night which fortunately didn’t happen, but there was a lot of tossing and turning for most of the night worrying about it. Deborah was unsurprisingly feeling quite wiped out the next morning and found the steep start up the hill a >>>

Kyajo Ri part 1 - acclimatisation


So it had been 5 whole years since my last episode of Himalayan suffering, long enough at least that I had forgotten how incredibly tiresome it is to ascend mountains over 6000m. Thin air was beckoning again :) In the start of 2016 I therefore decided that it was time to go back. Kyajo Ri is a mountain in the Solu Khumbu region of Nepal and one I have wanted to climb since 2012 (not long after I came back from a trip to Mera Peak and Baruntse ) when it was first introduced as a commercial trip by the UK-based company Jagged Globe. I was attracted by the fact that it isn’t especially high, one of the less-visited ‘trekking peaks’ and is aesthetically pleasing. Doing a google search revealed masses of pictures of the mountain from various angles – it’s a pointy peak wherever you view it from. Four of >>>




After having summited Mera Peak and spent the night at Kongme Dingma with a good meal and cake for dessert, we were mostly ready to continue towards Baruntse. I had hoped that the sore throat and cold-like symptoms I had from Mera Peak high camp would have disappeared when I woke up this morning but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and I was feeling just as wiped out and generally not-in-form as the previous day. Fortunately the approach to the next camp at Five Lakes wasn’t going to be the world’s most exhausting day of walking. The route basically followed the Honku river valley northwards with some impressive and huge mountainsides on both the west and east sides (although I don’t remember what the names of these peaks are). We had a very laid-back lunch around halfway to the next camp >>>

Mera Peak


I joined a trip to Mera Peak and Baruntse which was organized by a UK-based company. Since I was travelling from Tromsø, I joined the rest of the group in Kathmandu after having taken a rather long route (Tromsø-Oslo-Bangkok-Kathmandu) with Thai Airways. We were a group of 9 people plus two trip leaders, Mark and Paddy – both of whom turned out to be ultra friendly and had a good sense of humour. 17th October 2011: In Lukla The first part of the trip was the approach to Mera Peak, which involved an early morning flight into Lukla situated at 2800m. We should have been walking to our next camp at Poyan after arriving in Lukla, but since there was some delay in getting the expedition equipment from Kathmandu to Lukla, we ended up spending a night in Lukla and generally relaxing. What I was >>>


Island Peak


After the exceptionally fantastic ascent of Lobuche East on my birthday, we had just one more peak to complete the 4-week trip around the Khumbu region of Nepal: Island Peak. Wednesday, 19th November 2008: Chukung to Island Peak BC After sleeping like a log for a decent 10 (or maybe even 11) hours, we began our journey to Island Peak Base Camp from the tea house in Chukhung under increasingly overcast skies, so it didn’t feel as warm as the previous day. It was a short 3-hour walk, which was immensely busy with climbing groups in comparison to the BC for Lobuche East . Once we arrived there was a luxurious mess tent waiting for us to dive into for hot drinks and lunch! It was kitted out with big, roomy chairs and a table laden with a huge selection of instant hot drinks :-) Amongst the selection of hot drinks were >>>


Lobuche East


Lobuche East was a memorable summit of a 4-week trip in Nepal. I joined a trip organised by a UK-based company (Adventure Peaks), it involved a lots of ups and downs (both physical and in the psychological sense!), much laughing and of course, spectacular views. But for me Lobuche East was the highlight of the trip because the ascent coincided with my 25th birthday .-) Sunday, 16th November 2008 Our approach walk to Lobuche East base camp was from Lobuche village, which was on the other side of the mountain. We had spent 2 days at Lobuche village after walking from Dzonghla, which was where we had stayed after our descent from the Cho La Pass. So to get back to the base camp, we were effectively retracing our steps from 2 days earlier, but not going as far back as Dzonghla. The base camp was >>>


Kala Pattar


Gokyo Ri
