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Ama Dablam


For a third year in a row I found myself back in the Khumbu valley of Nepal and back to climb another spectacular mountain. After the previous two years with what I considered to be fairly successful and exhilarating trips at altitude, it felt like a tradition needed to be repeated (I like traditions) and an attempt to climb the magnificent Ama Dablam finally needed to be made. It was only about 3 weeks after having come back from Cholatse in 2017 that I’d already made up my mind that this was what I absolutely wanted to do in 2018! It also seemed like a natural objective to have since 2018 would be 10 years after my first visit to Nepal and my first glimpse of the mountain. Once again I joined an expedition organised by Jagged Globe again since they traditionally run their Ama Dablam trips >>>



The first time I saw Cholatse was from the top of Gokyo Ri during my first visit to Nepal in 2008. We then saw it from the Cho La Pass, Lobuche East base camp and the walk out from Island Peak , all during the same trip. It really is a magnificent peak from every angle I’ve seen it from. Since then it had been a peak I’d really wanted to climb but not really found an opportunity to do until more recently when some commercial operators started to run expeditions there, including Jagged Globe who went to Kyajo Ri with in 2016. I knew immediately after coming home from Kyajo Ri that I wanted to go back to Nepal in 2017 and climb something a bit higher and harder. I had initially had Ama Dablam on my mind (who wouldn’t want to climb it??), but after considering the crowd potential of that peak it seemed like a better idea >>>



After having summited Mera Peak and spent the night at Kongme Dingma with a good meal and cake for dessert, we were mostly ready to continue towards Baruntse. I had hoped that the sore throat and cold-like symptoms I had from Mera Peak high camp would have disappeared when I woke up this morning but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and I was feeling just as wiped out and generally not-in-form as the previous day. Fortunately the approach to the next camp at Five Lakes wasn’t going to be the world’s most exhausting day of walking. The route basically followed the Honku river valley northwards with some impressive and huge mountainsides on both the west and east sides (although I don’t remember what the names of these peaks are). We had a very laid-back lunch around halfway to the next camp >>>



Taken from my diary, the last peak of a 4-week trip to the Cordillera Blanca region of the Andes, in Peru. I forgot how much detail I noted! :-) Friday, 21st July 2006: Huaraz to Chopicalqui base camp Breakfast was at about 7am and the weather was looking very fine, stable and clear. We weren’t going to have any mules to carry our kit in to base camp for Chopicalqui so we had to try and minimize what we brought with us down to a single rucksack. We left Olaza's B&B in Huaraz at 9.15am and headed off back into the mountains for our last time. The road was the same leading north-westwards out of Huaraz to Yungay. Yungay is a town previously devastated by an avalanche or rock fall of some sort on Huascaran back in the 1970s but when we drove through there wasn’t much evidence of its past. >>>



A shortened version of my diary from the second part of a 4-week trip to Peru (final week of the trip was spent making an ascent of Chopicalqui ) 11th July 2006: Huaraz to Cashapampa/Llamacoral We left Huaraz along the same road north-westwards that we’d used to get to the Ishinca valley, but this time the journey took us much further to the north-west to reach Cashapampa. It was quite an exciting journey and the road weaved round some ridiculously tight corners, which were situated close to some steep cliffs - but there were no safety barriers to prevent vehicles going over the edge! The countryside was spectacularly green though, lots of lush trees despite being surrounded by dry, steep and rocky gorges as well as the glaciated peaks. We arrived into Cashapampa at about 11am, where it was baking hot >>>