Arnøyhøgda (19.06.2018)  6

Startsted Lauksletta (2moh)
Sluttsted Lauksletta (1182moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Distanse 13,2km
Høydemeter 1182m
Bestigninger Arnøyhøgda (1170moh) 19.06.2018

Norsk tur rapport kan leses hos uglefisk (Paal Andre Lund)
What a hike! We took the ferry from Kågan early in the morning and parked at Lauksletta, the left hand side of the Fv347, on Arnøya. We followed a weak path in the valley, on the right hand side of the river, and started gaining elevation pretty quickly. I had done the MSM half marathon 2 days before so my legs were pretty tired, but the views were quickly motivating enough!
We walked past a beautiful waterfall on the left and soon lost the trail. We aimed for the pass which was a little to our left, there was quite a lot of snow still on the mountain which we were happy about as we would save some elevation on the way back! Once we got to the pass (ca. 700moh) we continued upwards to the right, where we could see our goal on the left.
It was mostly snow with some scrambling, with the last 50/100m before the summit walking in heavy snow on a snow lip. The view was AMAZING and we both agreed the trip was a 6/6. We were lucky and got the only day with sunshine that week, so we enjoyed ourselves with some lunch and droning before we slid back down - managed to save about 700m by sliding on the snow :) will definitely be back!!

Arnøyhødga seen from our camping place the night before
Arnøyhødga seen from our camping place the night before
Heading up one of many snow patches
Heading up one of many snow patches
Lunch with a view!
Lunch with a view!
Last push up the snow lip
Last push up the snow lip


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