Nonkletten and Storavika on Korsneset (30.05.2020)

Startsted Korsneset parking (35moh)
Sluttsted Korsneset parking (35moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 2t 30min
Distanse 7,8km
Høydemeter 320m
Bestigninger Moldstigahaugen (136moh) 30.05.2020
Nonkletten (141moh) 30.05.2020
Andre besøkte PBE'er Korsneset p-plass (35moh) 30.05.2020
Nice place near Storaskaget on Korsneset
Nice place near Storaskaget on Korsneset
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

With limited time available, and a nice, warm, and sunny day, we decided to make a medium-long hike on Korsneset with nice Storavika as our main trip goal. Driving by Krokeide and continuing further onto Korsneset, we continued all the way to the junction east of Tverrhaugen, where parking is conveniently possible. Before heading towards Storvika, we wished to include Nonkletten, northeast of the parking place. We thus walked for a few meters back the road that we had come. Maybe some 200m into this, we turned left onto a proper trail, leaving in northwards direction. This trail leads nicely upwards to a nice minor hill in the west of Nonkletten. There, on a minor saddle at about 95mosl, we decided to leave the trail and head eastwards into the direction of Nonkletten. Even though one is facing a few steep rocks there, it's still straight-forward to proceed to Nonkletten (without a trail, though). A few minutes later, we arrived at Nonkletten and enjoyed some nice views in southern and eastern direction. From Nonkletten, we then headed towards Storavika. This first brought us in northern direction and to Moldstigahaugen. After "exploring some paths around Moldstigahaugen" (and also climbing up to it for a moment), we took the trail north of Moldstigahaugen (in western direction) to get down to the gravel road (which extends northwards from the parking place). Once there, we followed this gravel road over the saddle (at about 85mosl) and further northwards until we left it (for the trail to Storavika) at about 55mosl. This trail leads around Ramnaberget (on its northern side) and then down to Storavika (in southwestern direction). Storavika and Storavikskaget are indeed nice to visit, especially on a warm, sunny day! :-) After a short stay there, we returned along the same trail, then walking out the gravel road to the parking place.


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.


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