Allestadhaugen in deep snow (20.01.2024)

Start point Varden (45m)
Endpoint Varden (45m)
Characteristic Snowshoe trip
Duration 2h 30min
Distance 3.8km
Vertical meters 160m
Ascents Allestadhaugen (78m) 20.01.2024
Visits of other PBEs Øst for Elvareidet (60m) 20.01.2024
A lot of snow in Kanadaskogen!
A lot of snow in Kanadaskogen!
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

Expecting that all the (lots of) snow would be rained away the coming day, we took out our snow shoes and made an excursion into Kanadaskogen (in the northwest of Varden). Stepping first around Gjeddevatnet in its northeast, we ascended to higher grounds in the east of Elvareidet. Making progress in the deep snow was quite a bit of a challenge, but it was very nice to explore this part of Kanadaskogen with so much snow. Near Allestadhaugen, we decided that not much more seemed reasonable on this day. Taking Allestadhaugen as our "turn-around" point, we headed back towards Varden (a bit further east than where we had stepped earlier. We still had to manage some steeper sections, but all in all, this excursion into the deep snow was very nice! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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