Nesevarden, Kleppavarden and Hovåsen from Kongsviktjørna (13.05.2021)

Geschrieben von hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startpunkt Kongsviktjørna (56m)
Endpunkt Kongsviktjørna (56m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 1h 51min
Entfernung 5,1km
Höhenmeter 363m
Besteigungen Hovåsen (163m) 13.05.2021
Kleppavarden (295m) 13.05.2021
Nesevarden (291m) 13.05.2021

Nesevarden, Kleppavarden and Hovåsen from Kongsviktjørna

After finally arriving at the marked trailhead next to Kongsviktjørna, I left my bike behind (see separate report for the cycling here: Cycling: Neshamn) and continued on foot along a very nice marked trail. It therefore did not take long before I arrived at Nesevarden, which provided very nice views, especially towards the south. The marked trail continued north/northwest to Kleppavarden, but the trail markers were here further apart and the trail quality also dropped a bit, with a several wet areas that had to be crossed. The summit of Kleppavarden was still reached without any issues. Limited views from the large cairn, but if moving just north of the summit pretty good view across Reksteren could be obtained, although today slightly reduced due to a haze left over from the low-hanging clouds earlier in the day.

After a quick lunch, I returned along the same route. The only exception being a quick detour to the summit of Hovåsen. This I could just as well have skipped, as even though the marked trail continued south across Hovåsen, the summit itself provided very limited views and mainly consisted of fallen trees. It should however be possible to continue south and arrive at Øvrebø/Neshamn. Maybe something to consider if in the area and wanting to make the relatively short hike into a roundtrip of sorts. I instead returned to my bike at the trailhead and started on the long ride home. In summary, a nice short hike along marked trails that can be highly recommended.

Trailhead Nesevarden/Kleppavarden
Trailhead Nesevarden/Kleppavarden
Kongsviktjørna next to the trailhead
Kongsviktjørna next to the trailhead
Marked trail towards Nesevarden
Marked trail towards Nesevarden
Getting close to Nesevarden
Getting close to Nesevarden
South from Nesevarden. Kattnakken and Mehammersåto to the right.
South from Nesevarden. Kattnakken and Mehammersåto to the right.
Towards Kleppavarden from Nesevarden
Towards Kleppavarden from Nesevarden
Towards Reksteren from north of the summit of Kleppavarden
Towards Reksteren from north of the summit of Kleppavarden
Descending from Kleppavarden. Kattnakken to the right.
Descending from Kleppavarden. Kattnakken to the right.
Hovåsen from the descent from Kleppavarden
Hovåsen from the descent from Kleppavarden
Marked trail across Hovåsen
Marked trail across Hovåsen
The summit of Hovåsen
The summit of Hovåsen

Startzeitpunkt 13.05.2021 13:44
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Endzeitpunkt 13.05.2021 15:36
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Gesamtzeit 1h 51min
Zeit in Bewegung 1h 40min
Pausenzeit 0h 11min
Gesamtschnitt 2,8km/h
Bewegungsschnitt 3,1km/h
Entfernung 5,1km
Höhenmeter 363m


Zeichen: 1000
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