Cabin ruins: Løvstakken (20.05.2020)

Geschrieben von hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startpunkt Klauvsteinen (136m)
Endpunkt Festplassen (2m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 3h 40min
Entfernung 12,1km
Höhenmeter 589m
Besteigungen Liafjellet nord for Løvstakken (286m) 20.05.2020
Løvstakken (477m) 20.05.2020
Ravnefjellet (300m) 20.05.2020
Storhaugen (470m) 20.05.2020
Liafjellet S1 (281m) 20.05.2020
Besuche anderer PBE Fagerheim (tuft), Løvstakken (257m) 20.05.2020
Fjellheim (tuft), Løvstakken (286m) 20.05.2020
Fjelly (tuft), Løvstakken (248m) 20.05.2020
Gyldenprishytten (ruin) (249m) 20.05.2020
Helgheim (tuft), Løvstakken (261m) 20.05.2020
Jesus Lever-steinen (133m) 20.05.2020
Kveldsol (tuft), Løvstakken (251m) 20.05.2020
Solhaug (tuft), Løvstakken (271m) 20.05.2020
Tuft NV for Liafjellet, Løvstakken (245m) 20.05.2020
Tuft V for Liafjellet, Løvstakken (245m) 20.05.2020
Vardheim (tuft) (322m) 20.05.2020

Cabin ruins: Løvstakken

View from the unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
View from the unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
Looking back at the unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
Looking back at the unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
More unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
More unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
More unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
More unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
Northwest from Liafjellet
Northwest from Liafjellet
Løvstakken from Liafjellet
Løvstakken from Liafjellet
Towards Ulriken from Liafjellet. Strandafjellet to the right.
Towards Ulriken from Liafjellet. Strandafjellet to the right.
Looking back down at the unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet
Looking back down at the unnamed cabin ruins northwest of Liafjellet

Yet another hike to search for old cabin ruins. This time in what was used to be called Hyttelien, an area south of Løvstakken were there once used to be numerous cabins, none of which are still standing. Once again I could benefit from knutsverre (Knut S. Andersen)'s excellent work for locating most of the ruins in the area. There were however two ruins that he had struggled to find: Helgheim and Gyldenprishytten/Akevitten. For the former, I was pretty sure I had found its location via in-depth inspection of old aerial photos, but for the latter I had not been able to find any additional information prior to the hike.

After first visiting Knut Sverre’s suggested locations for Gyldenprishytten and Helgheim (now renamed Tuft NV for Liafjellet, Løvstakken and Tuft V for Liafjellet, Løvstakken, I made a quick visit to the summit of the newly added Liafjellet, including a surprisingly steep descent, before heading towards the ruins of Fagerheim.

Upon approaching Fagerheim, I was not expecting to meet any people, and was therefore rather surprised when finding a man working on reclaiming the property by planting apple trees and hanging pots with strawberries. As we started talking, it turned out that he was very knowledgeable about the area and was more than happy to point out all the old cabin ruins, most notably Gyldenprishytten/Akevitten, the only remaining ruin in the area with an, up to this point, unknown location. He also showed me an aerial photo from the book "Over Bergen over tid" (by Hans Ree) that showed that there had indeed been a cabin at the northern end of the wet area west of Liafjellet, i.e. what is now called Tuft NV for Liafjellet, Løvstakken, but sadly for this one he could not provide a name.

After a long and very useful talk, I thanked him for all the help, and continued to Kveldsol and Gyldenprishytten, easily locating the ruins of the latter from the provided description, something I would clearly have missed if searching on my own. Next, Solhaug was easily located, before starting my hunt for Helgheim based on the old aerial photos, which could be confidently located as there were significantly more evidence compared to Gyldenprishytten.

The hunt for old cabin ruins was completed by visiting Fjellheim and Vardheim, followed by a quick detour up to Løvstakken and Storhaugen, before ending the hike by walking down via Jesus Lever-steinen and my way to Festplassen for the bus back home. Overall an even more successful trip than I had thought it would be given the unexpected in-depth local knowledge that I happened to come across along the way.

The surprisingly steep descent from Liafjellet
The surprisingly steep descent from Liafjellet
The location where Fagerheim used to be. Note the strawberries! :)
The location where Fagerheim used to be. Note the strawberries! :)
The ruins of Kveldsol
The ruins of Kveldsol
The ruins of Gyldenprishytten/Akevitten
The ruins of Gyldenprishytten/Akevitten
The ruins of Gyldenprishytten/Akevitten
The ruins of Gyldenprishytten/Akevitten
The location where Solhaug used to be
The location where Solhaug used to be
The location of Solhaug
The location of Solhaug
The ruins of Helgheim
The ruins of Helgheim
The ruins of Helgheim
The ruins of Helgheim
The ruins of Fjelly
The ruins of Fjelly
The ruins of Fjelly
The ruins of Fjelly
The ruins of Fjellheim
The ruins of Fjellheim
View from the ruins of Fjellheim
View from the ruins of Fjellheim
The ruins of Vardheim
The ruins of Vardheim
Løvstakken seen from the ruins of Vardheim
Løvstakken seen from the ruins of Vardheim
Storhaugen southeast of Løvstakken
Storhaugen southeast of Løvstakken
Unnamed shelter south of Jesus Lever-steinen
Unnamed shelter south of Jesus Lever-steinen
Jesus Lever-steinen
Jesus Lever-steinen

Startzeitpunkt 19.05.2020 18:25
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Endzeitpunkt 19.05.2020 22:05
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Gesamtzeit 3h 40min
Zeit in Bewegung 3h 06min
Pausenzeit 0h 33min
Gesamtschnitt 3,3km/h
Bewegungsschnitt 3,9km/h
Entfernung 12,1km
Höhenmeter 589m


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    Geschrieben von knutsverre 20.05.2020 18:06

    Dette var utrolig interessant, Harald! Tusen takk for at du har fått brakt klarhet i dette. Vi fant også oppmuringen like nord for Kveldsol og tok bilder av stedet, men syntes det var for lite til å passe med at det hadde ligget en hytte på stedet. Trodde det var en mur som var lagt opp for å rydde stien. Din kilde (og du) har tydeligvis en annen oppfatning, og stedet passer jo helt med plasseringen på 1927-kartet! Når det gjelder Helgheim så lette vi aldri på stedet du nå har funnet den, kun på ryggen øst for tuften og nedover mot myren mot øst. Men det var altså feil, for ny granskning av kartet plasserer Helgheim der hvor du fant den!

    Et flott stykke arbeid og hyttetuftene nord for Løvstakken skulle nå være godt kartlagt :) :)!

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